Garth wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:10 am
I wasn't previously aware Fender used "M-80" for multiple products. They made a bass combo w/ this moniker (from the era of the light-grey rat fur IIRC) that had a chorus on it that I really loved. A bit of a shame it's not on this pre-amp as well.
Going by memory...
The "Guitar..." amp line seems like it was -
- Half stack(with or without chorus)
- Single twelve/two twelve combo version of the head from the half stack. Honestly can't recall ever seeing one without the chorus.
On that particular chorus circuit, it is kind of a shame that Fender never did much in the way of "Modulation..." effects with that take in mind.
I bought that half stack because it wound up a little bit closer to some of the "Ronald Jones In The Flaming Lips..." sounds than Peavey stuff from that era. Always get just a little bummed that said "Modulation..." sound is lost to the past outside of hauling one of those amps around with you.
(Upside, the cab from that half stack is way light...)