The first QT movie to make you shrug was...

Reservoir Dogs
Total votes: 2 (6%)
Pulp Fiction (No votes)
Jackie Brown
Total votes: 2 (6%)
Kill Bill 1
Total votes: 13 (41%)
Kill Bill 2
Total votes: 3 (9%)
Inglourious Basterds
Total votes: 1 (3%)
Django Unchained
Total votes: 5 (16%)
The Hateful Eight
Total votes: 3 (9%)
Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood
Total votes: 2 (6%)
One of his other ones like Death Proof or...
Total votes: 1 (3%)
Total votes: 32

Where Did You "Fall Off" of Tarantino?

Core question: What was the movie he did that made you go "meh"?

Was it right away? Were you never wowed?

Was it after a few indisputably great flicks and then he dropped a clunker?

Is he still the GOAT in your eyes?

Did he have a slump and pick himself back up?

For me, I stopped being excited after KB2. I think that was the first movie where I got to the climax and shouted at the screen, "Get on with it!" (Then his Death Proof segment, if we're counting outside of stand-alone feature lengths, in Grindhouse was embarrassingly dull compared to the Planet Terror segment.)

Basterds was a tiny comeback but Django and Eight were another slump for me. ... Hollywood could have been great, like great great if he cut that fucking run time down. As is, it was good but I'll probably never watch it again.

Re: Where Did You "Fall Off" of Tarantino?

Inglourious Basterds was the first one I didn't like immediately. Upon viewing a few years later I've come around on that one. I still don't love anything from that point on. I enjoy them, but nothing after that one is anything special.

Having said that, Django Unchained is the only one in the list I actively don't like. And personally, I think Death Proof is underrated.

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