Re: Strong Musical Associations

The local mall was still open for business, kind of, circa 2002. The girl I was dating and I worked at the book store there, and in the holiday season, they'd stick one of us in a seasonal kiosk out in the pedestrian area (mallway?) to sell calendars. The highlight of those lonely calendar shifts was Smokey Robinson's "Tears of a Clown", which was on whatever oldies service - or soon-to-succumb-to-bit-rot CD - they piped in the music from.

Re: Strong Musical Associations

Dave N. wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:29 am Morphine seems like a band I should love. I was in a band with a guy who was fanatical, and he was an absolute primadonna. Totally ruined Radiohead for me, too.
I associate Morphine with the band Cake, and I associate both with basic dudes who think they're deep for liking them. The kind of basic dudes who won't shut up about Bukowski and Bill Hicks.

Re: Strong Musical Associations

In one of my early attempts to get into the Beatles, I brought my parents’ copy of “1967-1970” up to my room. The only song I liked was “Back In the USSR”, and after listening to it a few times, I took the album off of the turntable and left it on the floor, laying it on top of the cover. We had a new cat that had a bad case of diarrhea, and it crapped on the Beatles album. By the time I noticed it, the cat diarrhea had hardened, resembling peanut brittle. We ended up throwing the album away, and the Beatles have not appealed to me ever since.

Every now and then, I’ll be at someone’s house and catch a whiff of their litter box. Reminds me of planes taking off.

Re: Strong Musical Associations

In 1991/2 I lived with a guy Simmo, who would sleep in until lunch time every day, with the exception of those days on which he was hungover. On these days he would awake at 6am. Notably, he would play music full blast as soon as he awoke, regardless of the time.

When we were living together he was really, really into that stupid Mr Bungle record. God it’s shit. Anyhow, invariably, if he was hungover then I was hungover….
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

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