Re: Examples of Songs With Prominent Non-Word, Gibberish Parts

Most Melvins songs have gibberish lyrics. This one in particular. They were even printed in the jacket.

Los ticka toe rest. Might like a sender doe ree.
Your make a doll a ray day sender bright like a penelty.
Exi-tease my ray day member half lost a beat away.
Purst in like a one way sender war give a heart like a fay.

Cause I can ford a red eed only street a wide a ree land.
Die-mond make a mid-evil bike a sake a like a ree caste.
Cause I can ford a red eed only street a wide a ree land.
On a ree land. Find a ree land.

You sink a my swan. Rolly a get a worst in.
Maybe minus way far central poor forty duck a pin.
Milk maid dud bean. Master a load a head.
Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.
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