TL606 - Stepdown?

Playing around with some bass cabinet stuff this weekend. I've got a pair of Mesa Diesel cabinets based on the TL606 design. They sound nice and are very pretty.

I noticed the EV builder plans for the cabinets (and the spec sheet for the EVM 15L) both reference covering the center port to create a "step-down" mode, which drops the lowest frequency to 45hz.

More bass with my bass? Sounds good on paper. But it means messing around with the cabinets, which - and I don't know if I told you this - both look very sharp.

Has anyone done this? Worth it? I like the Goat/Shellac bass sound as much as anyone and the current setup gives me that for days. But if I can get a little more low-end by slapping a piece of plywood in front of a hole ... I mean - that could be cool.

= Justin

Re: TL606 - Stepdown?

Justin Foley wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:26 am Playing around with some bass cabinet stuff this weekend. I've got a pair of Mesa Diesel cabinets based on the TL606 design. They sound nice and are very pretty.

I noticed the EV builder plans for the cabinets (and the spec sheet for the EVM 15L) both reference covering the center port to create a "step-down" mode, which drops the lowest frequency to 45hz.

More bass with my bass? Sounds good on paper. But it means messing around with the cabinets, which - and I don't know if I told you this - both look very sharp.

Has anyone done this? Worth it? I like the Goat/Shellac bass sound as much as anyone and the current setup gives me that for days. But if I can get a little more low-end by slapping a piece of plywood in front of a hole ... I mean - that could be cool.

= Justin
The TL606 cabs I have had for years were home brews from someone on local CL but very well-built. They were coated in bedliner and had the port already covered and coated. They sounded great like this so I have never taken the cover out.

I'm not sure I'm savvy enough to notice a huge difference.

You could saw a piece of plywood to fit & then pick up a pair of inexpensive bar clamps from Harbor Freight if you want to test this in a non-destructive way. You'd just need an extra chonk of wood or two or so as a spacer and would have to have them side (or long-ways) oriented. MAYBE weather stripping on the test piece too if you want to be super-tight on the seal...

Re: TL606 - Stepdown?

I have the center port covered on my homebuilt TL606 cab. It's loaded with an Eminence Gamma 15A, not the EVM15B/L that's in the Diesels.

Honestly, I've never A/B'ed it, but I think you could accomplish the same thing with a bit of EQ on the amp. Depends on the amp though.

There's a note in the drawing: "Note that some 2 to 3 dB of maximum output in the 60 to 90 Hz range is sacrificed when the step-down mode is used."

So, you'll get more low-end extension, but it won't be as loud.

Re: TL606 - Stepdown?

I also have a pair of cabs - I tried the port cover, playing a P-bass into a GK400rb - I didn't notice such a significant difference to warrant them looking not as nice. That said, it's pretty easy to try as mentioned and trying is fun. But less nice looking = me playing even worse than I already am. I have a bias because I pinned the side panels with brass and liked the look so much I added it to the dividers on the ports.

You could also do the port on one, and not the other. I have an EV15B and an EB15L in them, and it would help me keep them straight from the front..

Re: TL606 - Stepdown?

tallchris wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:06 pm Curious, where would you put the stepdown on one of the Diesel/Road Ready 2x15s?
oops got me, didn't realize they only had 2 channels. A SLIGHT but important difference from the original TL606, especially in this case.

Could cover one of the two & see if it sounds good? Although you'd probably have to also insert a small brace to the side.

Project just got more involved than a quick stitch-up & test.

Re: TL606 - Stepdown?

TylerDeadPine wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:10 pm
Dr Tony Balls wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 2:12 pm Damn. I gotta make some of those.
It was fun but go with Kappalites and you’ll feel great every time you move them
Yeah I have some EVs sitting here but i think i'd rather sell em and buy kappalites. I also kinda wanna modify the dimensions a bit to make em 21" on the long side so that my head will fit appropriately.

Re: TL606 - Stepdown?

Dr Tony Balls wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:32 am
TylerDeadPine wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:10 pm
Dr Tony Balls wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 2:12 pm Damn. I gotta make some of those.
It was fun but go with Kappalites and you’ll feel great every time you move them
Yeah I have some EVs sitting here but i think i'd rather sell em and buy kappalites. I also kinda wanna modify the dimensions a bit to make em 21" on the long side so that my head will fit appropriately.
yeah I wish I did that. Bass head fits perfect with them on the sides but guitar head would've been also great at that dimension. Nothing worse than head hang

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