Re: Little Details from Your Day

Chud Fusk wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 6:25 pm
rsmurphy wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 8:06 pm Lil Durk
I love how all these baby rappers call themselves shit like Lil Chungus, CPAP Burp and URL///6969sensation
The above is the business card of the Simon City Royals, which was one of Chicago's largest street gangs. They were white. Look at those names, you'd think it was part of a hip-hop collective, but, no, a group of violent white boys, which, like the Gaylord's, and Ragen's Colts before them infiltrated politics and law enforcement. You hear/read about police families - their father, and their father's father, and their father's father's father being cops...those cops were in Irish street gangs.

I will go to my grave stating this, but many unsolved shootings and murders in the inner city are done by the Chicago Police Department, and it's either thrill killing or work related, ie, drugs, trafficking, racketeering, etc.

Biggest fucking street gang in Chicago is its police department, and not enough attention gets paid to this fact because the union controls the narrative. Blame it all on the street thugs while the uniforms and suits carry out their crimes in boardrooms, offices, and police stations.

I need to move somewhere. Funnily enough I've been thinking Ireland.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Last night a dry and persistent cough kept me up through the night. Temp was a little high, but nothing crazy. Woke-up to a stuffy nose and sneezing, but all senses were and still are intact. Double vaxxed, double boosted, but now Flowflex just told me that I've got a breakthrough case. This cough is serious.

The only breakthrough song I could find was a not-so-good one by Queen, so Swing Out Sister will have to suffice.

Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Little Details from Your Day

I’m also double vaxxed and boosted and I came down with the vid a couple of weeks ago. My wife was feeling crappy, tested positive on a Thursday, and by Saturday night I had it as well. It was the first time for both of us.

Neither of us felt terribly bad overall. Had some sniffles, a bit of a cough, but it seemed like more of a sinus/nasal cold than anything else.

I had to miss a couple of important social things, but whatayagonnado?

I’m very thankful our cases were so mild.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

rsmurphy wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 4:45 pm Glad you and your wife made it through safely, Frankie, and Wood Goblin. This time feels more intense than the first. The hacking cough is the worst. Also hot and cold. Temp starting to rise 100.3.

I had it once before too, and the first time was definitely milder. Since you’re up on your shots—I was only single boosted—it should be fairly quick. My temperature never rose above 101. Maybe take a Tylenol before bedtime.

The night sweats were fucking weird, though, because I wasn’t running a fever at that point. I’d fall asleep, then wake up twenty minutes later, soaked from head to toe yet not running a temperature.

Edited to add: hope you get through it quickly, Randall!

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