Chat Pile: Crap/NotCrap

Total votes: 16 (76%)
Total votes: 5 (24%)
Total votes: 21

Re: Band: Chat Pile

First time listening the vocals threw me off and I disengaged by the second song thinking it was going to be a shout festival. Gave it a deep listen today and am happy to report that it isn't a shout party. Wish it was more rhythmic, but that's just being fussy. It isn't crap, but I don't see myself throwing it on when I'm in that type of mood.

Où est le poll?
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Band: Chat Pile

I hear what sounds like a lot of time spent studying Godflesh, Big Black, and Scratch Acid, and then coming up with their own thing. I really like the album, like the last EP even more. The only thing jarring for me is how innocuous they look — I decided to look 'em up on YouTube and all of the unhinged menace I expected to see in their live performances was not there. But I also expect too much and project a lot of things onto certain music before I see the people behind it, so I realize the flaw in my thinking.

Anyway, not crap, could use a poll.
I prefer "nitwit"

Re: Band: Chat Pile

^ cosigned. Not to detract but I feel this way about a lot of bands today that have a certain sound but look like they should be serving me whiskey in a mason jar. I realize how shortsighted and frankly dumb that reads, but I am shortsighted and dumb. Working on it.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Band: Chat Pile

Like a lot of people, I found out about them when the music blogs crowed about God's Country a few weeks ago. I really like it, it's the first album I've listened to all the way through in one sitting in a while.

The only thing I don't like is the metal-style tree branches band logo on the front cover.
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

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