Re: Little Details from Your Day

I try to be compassionate and civil with people who are trying to shield friends or loved ones from the stress of grief by trying to control the funeral arrangements, whether by wanting to sign all of the documents or whatever else, but the laws are there for a reason, and I'm not putting my license at risk ever.
"And the light, it burns your a language you don't understand."

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Dave N. wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:46 pm My daughter was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome last week, which explains much of the pain she’s been trying to tolerate. I’ve been spending a lot of time listening to podcasts and reading articles on the subject. I hate that she’s going to have to deal with this the rest of her life. Anyone know someone who has EDS?
No, but sorry to hear that. How bad is it? Best wishes.
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Re: Little Details from Your Day

Dave N. wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:46 pm My daughter was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome last week, which explains much of the pain she’s been trying to tolerate. I’ve been spending a lot of time listening to podcasts and reading articles on the subject. I hate that she’s going to have to deal with this the rest of her life. Anyone know someone who has EDS?
Ah Dave, all of my love from afar man
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Thanks Adam and Seb! We’re still trying to figure out the severity. There aren’t any specialists here in Austin, so we’ll have to take a trip to Houston soon. Had a good conversation with a FM who has a kid in the same boat. We’re looking for a good physical therapist. My cousin has it also, and she had a good heart-to-heart with my daughter, letting her know she can live a normal life and figure out how to work through the painful times. My cousin has days when she can’t get out of bed, as does my daughter, but she doesn’t let it control her life. I just hate that my kid has to deal with this bs.

Let’s all feel grateful for the days we have our health.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

^ Best wishes and health to you and yours, Dave.

Had a lousy day at work and was in a foul mood when I got home… then watched the news and there was my daughters’ high school on the TV: one of their classmates brought a loaded gun to their school today.

One of the hardest things as a parent is sucking it up, putting on a brave face, and telling your kids it’s going to be okay, when you yourself aren’t so sure.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Little Details from Your Day

ChudFusk wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 6:41 pm
jfv wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 6:07 daughters’ high school on the TV: one of their classmates brought a loaded gun to their school today...
Holy shit, glad she is OK!

They’re both okay… they are just freaked out and don’t want to go to school tomorrow.

The kid who had the gun was ratted out by another kid, near the end of the school day. Authorities searched the kid’s locker and found the gun. School was empty by then.

So…. it wasn’t like there was an active shooter or anything. But everyone in the district got notified and it’s all over Chicagoland news. And… my daughters are flipping out (I am trying not to).
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Dave, I’m sorry you are all having to go through that. That kind of shit seems like a horrible thing for anyone, and it’s particularly awful that it’s a child having to deal. Kids are resilient, as I’m sure you know, but that shit ain’t fair. I’m sorry.

JFV, I’ve picked my kids up once during an active shooter situation, although it was a gunman locked up right across the street in a house, so a little bit different. I walked right into the school (Montessori kindergarten/Pre school and small thankfully) grabbed both my girls and just booked it straight out of there.

They were hiding in the closet of one of the classrooms at 4PM. It was fucking eerie as shit, all the halls deserted, quiet, still. They were young, so while it was scary at the time it’s long forgotten - this was years ago.

This week my oldest started 7th grade at a new school, which is a huge change for her, and there are all kinds of policies about lockers and phones and backpacks, etc.

We’re about 4 hours north of Uvalde, and that shit is still fresh. She’s talked with us about it, and I have no advice. I just can’t imagine being 12 and worrying about this kind of thing. It’s brutal and tragic.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Frankie99 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:57 pm JFV, I’ve picked my kids up once during an active shooter situation, although it was a gunman locked up right across the street in a house, so a little bit different. I walked right into the school (Montessori kindergarten/Pre school and small thankfully) grabbed both my girls and just booked it straight out of there.

They were hiding in the closet of one of the classrooms at 4PM. It was fucking eerie as shit, all the halls deserted, quiet, still. They were young, so while it was scary at the time it’s long forgotten - this was years ago.

This week my oldest started 7th grade at a new school, which is a huge change for her, and there are all kinds of policies about lockers and phones and backpacks, etc.

We’re about 4 hours north of Uvalde, and that shit is still fresh. She’s talked with us about it, and I have no advice. I just can’t imagine being 12 and worrying about this kind of thing. It’s brutal and tragic.
That scenario with your daughters sounds horrifying. Hiding in a closet? Yikes.

Regarding schools nowadays - the number of protocols in place to reduce or eliminate the ramifications of a shooting are just enormous. Literally every door in their high school is safety-rated with a locking mechanism that is activated upon alarm and prevents entry from the outside. I'm both happy that those protocols are in place and also sad that they are necessary. I imagine metal detectors are next for my daughters' school.

My wife and I were able to get my daughters to school this morning by trying to focus on the silver lining... they caught the kid and got the gun with no incident, and the school is going to be swarming with police today. Might be the safest day to ever go to school in Wauconda.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

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