One guy's take...
When it comes to horror films?
It is pretty rare for your "Face..." to get taken off of the board, and you can realistically just leave it at that.
Never really happened for Freddy/Jason/Whoever. In that second "The Strangers..." film? It was one of the few times in my memory that a franchise could have put it's antagonist to bed in a compelling fashion, and just left it at that.
It's kind of a shame that they will not actually be leaving it at that. The "MKI..." Strangers went out in pretty memorable fashion.
Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
92I'm super interested to see what Bryan Bertino does next. The Dark and the Wicked is one of my favorite horror films in the past couple of years. He's adept at various subgenres though I've yet to see Mockingbird or The Monster, but feel safe in knowing he can deliver genuine scares, well-rounded characters, and affecting stories.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell
Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
So there's this Danish couple vacationing in Tuscany where they end up meeting a Dutch couple. The Dutch couple invites them to stay at their home for a weekend. I mean, why not? You don't want to be impolite and turn down an invitation from strangers you just met. It's this politeness that foils each and every instance where the Danes should be getting the fuck out of there. The only thing keeping them from reason are social norms.
What an incredibly ugly, dismal, and vicious film. Feel bad movie of the year. From the jump there is low-key anxiety that grows with every scene until the last fifteen minutes that will ruin you. If this sounds like something you'd enjoy then stay away from the trailer because going in blind is the way. On Shudder.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell
Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
94I know these are words and sentences but I just can't figure out what they mean. What am I missing?numberthirty wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:52 pm One guy's take...
When it comes to horror films?
It is pretty rare for your "Face..." to get taken off of the board, and you can realistically just leave it at that.
Never really happened for Freddy/Jason/Whoever. In that second "The Strangers..." film? It was one of the few times in my memory that a franchise could have put it's antagonist to bed in a compelling fashion, and just left it at that.
It's kind of a shame that they will not actually be leaving it at that. The "MKI..." Strangers went out in pretty memorable fashion.
Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
95My cousin owns a relatively successful haunt in the Missouri town I grew up in. I see a lot of his FB posts involving people at those conventions (and in that scene in general), and I'd say they are definitely a fucked up bunch.rsmurphy wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:29 am I'm afraid of haunts. I cry. Never know what type of backwoods billhilly wackos are employed therein.
I also have no idea what it means...ChudFusk wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 1:02 amI know these are words and sentences but I just can't figure out what they mean. What am I missing?numberthirty wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:52 pm One guy's take...
When it comes to horror films?
It is pretty rare for your "Face..." to get taken off of the board, and you can realistically just leave it at that.
Never really happened for Freddy/Jason/Whoever. In that second "The Strangers..." film? It was one of the few times in my memory that a franchise could have put it's antagonist to bed in a compelling fashion, and just left it at that.
It's kind of a shame that they will not actually be leaving it at that. The "MKI..." Strangers went out in pretty memorable fashion.
Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
96Ok...tommy wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 10:37 amI also have no idea what it means...ChudFusk wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 1:02 amI know these are words and sentences but I just can't figure out what they mean. What am I missing?numberthirty wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:52 pm One guy's take...
When it comes to horror films?
It is pretty rare for your "Face..." to get taken off of the board, and you can realistically just leave it at that.
Never really happened for Freddy/Jason/Whoever. In that second "The Strangers..." film? It was one of the few times in my memory that a franchise could have put it's antagonist to bed in a compelling fashion, and just left it at that.
It's kind of a shame that they will not actually be leaving it at that. The "MKI..." Strangers went out in pretty memorable fashion.
Took a couple of passes at spins on the "Spoiler..." tags. Nothing took. So, I'm going to seriously spoil Strangers: Prey At Night and a couple of "Classic Coke..." horror films. For folks that don't want to risk it, close your eyes and speed scroll on past this one.
Generally speaking? Horror movies never get to really put up a "The End...", and give their central antagonist an ending even when a pretty compelling exit and end point are right there on the screen.
When Tommy Jarvis murders Jason at the end of the fourth film? That would have been the time to wrap up the overall story, and give Jason his "The End..."
When Jeff Denlon murders John Kramer at the close of the third "Saw..." film? That would have been the time to wrap up the overall story, and give John Kramer his "The End..."
By the time both of those films happened? Nothing like that was even going to be considered. It was about turning a profit, and not the right time to craft an actual concrete ending.
The Strangers: Prey At Night?
It came out around ten years after the initial film, and was sort of a surprise when it did.
In the film, Pin-Up Girl/Dollface/Man In The Mask each wind up in knock down/drag out fights that they finally wind up being killed in.
It's just a rarity that those sorts of characters get a chance to really just be put to bed in a worthwhile fashion with a "The End..." spot where it can happen.
That film was one of the few times that I can remember where I thought that it might actually happen as far as the overall "Big Picture..." of horror films goes.
Just a bit sad that they are going to chuck all of that for a reboot not even ten years out.
Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
97Also...rsmurphy wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:32 pm I'm super interested to see what Bryan Bertino does next. The Dark and the Wicked is one of my favorite horror films in the past couple of years. He's adept at various subgenres though I've yet to see Mockingbird or The Monster, but feel safe in knowing he can deliver genuine scares, well-rounded characters, and affecting stories.
Hopefully, they will just let this guy "Citizen Kane..." his way through things from here on in.
Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
98Ahhh ok I get it now, thanks!numberthirty wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 6:26 pmGenerally speaking? Horror movies never get to really put up a "The End...", and give their central antagonist an ending even when a pretty compelling exit and end point are right there on the screen.
Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
99If I could choose the physical attractiveness of the psychopaths working in these haunts, then I'd make McKamey Manor a seasonal destination.tommy wrote: Fri Sep 16, 2022 10:37 amMy cousin owns a relatively successful haunt in the Missouri town I grew up in. I see a lot of his FB posts involving people at those conventions (and in that scene in general), and I'd say they are definitely a fucked up bunch.rsmurphy wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:29 am I'm afraid of haunts. I cry. Never know what type of backwoods billhilly wackos are employed therein.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell
Re: Good, lesser known horror movies
100Kept scrolling past this, thinking, "that's an amazing still, but how far can this go in nine minutes?"rsmurphy wrote: Tue May 10, 2022 9:08 pm Nightmare fuel. Anxiety driver. Pure dread. Absolutely chilling. This horror short features a character who wakes-up bloodied and broken on a severe freakish curve and her attempts to survive. Deeply visceral and highly recommended.
So today I clicked.
It is unreal how fucking badly I wanted to stop watching this after a mere two and a half minutes. Did not make it to the end. Thank you.
Found footage nerds: can't highly enough recommend the podcast that originally put me onto Noroi or the host's other wonderful podcast on 'scum cinema'.