Display/Don’t Display: Swastika Navajo Blanket

Leave it out. Interesting conversation piece
Total votes: 4 (44%)
Keep it in the closet
Total votes: 3 (33%)
Get rid of it
Total votes: 2 (22%)
Total votes: 9

Display/Don’t Display: Navajo Rug With Swastikas

I have a Navajo rug that hangs over a chair in the living room. It has swastikas on it, and there’s no good way to fold it to hide the swastikas. It predates the Nazi regime, and the swastika is a Navajo symbol representing the four sacred mountains, among other things. As I’m sure most people know, it was a symbol used worldwide before it was appropriated by the Nazis. If you came to my house and saw a blanket with a bunch of swastikas on it, would it piss you off? Is it poor form for a guy who is of ashkenazi jewish ancestry and whose grandfather spent a year in a nazi prison camp? Should I just keep it folded up in a closet?

Re: Display/Don’t Display: Navajo Rug With Swastikas

It sounds like a cool piece.

I am aware, as you mentioned, that the symbol has been used by many folks before the Nazis. I've seen it during my travels in Asia, for example.

The stigma associated with that symbol, though, would likely lead me to keep it in a closet except when you have folks visiting that you know are cool with it. Or possibly the other way around; leave it out but be prepared to put it away depending on who is coming over.

I don't even feel comfortable typing the word of the symbol.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Display/Don’t Display: Navajo Rug With Swastikas

Krev wrote: Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:00 pm It's a shame that a horrific period in German history has ruined an ancient symbol, but I wouldn't want it out on display.
Yeah, it’s a shame, but it has ruined it. Maybe not if you live in a majority Buddhist place, but in the west, it’s unfortunately long since ruined.

Best suggestion I have is to find a Navajo museum that would like it and donate it to them.

Re: Display/Don’t Display: Navajo Rug With Swastikas

I thought maybe the Nazis "mirrored" the symbol? Like, flopped it over so it's facing the other direction?
They also have their swastika hanging at a 45 degree angle.

Sometime ancient swastika graphic motifs don't feel very Nazi-esque at all.
I think I'd have to see the blanket.

I would probably not be pissed off if I saw this at your house.
There's might be other dealbreakers (about displaying a Navajo blanket) that would come up before the Nazi coincidence.

Re: Display/Don’t Display: Navajo Rug With Swastikas

To paraphrase Office Space: why should you hide your rug? The nazis are the ones who suck.

However a quick google image search reveals that, regardless of the weaver’s intention, that’s a powerful look which would be hard to carry off. Maybe take a tip from museums and put a sign next to your front door explaining the context? But be prepared to be called ‘the Hitler rug guy’, and have to endure the ‘friendship’ of the sort of person who will defend you.

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