Garth wrote: Mon Oct 03, 2022 2:08 pm
Anthony Flack wrote: Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:57 pm
Ain't this just comb filtering?
And since you can produce (usually undesirable) comb filtering by mixing a signal with a short delay of itself, it seems like you should be able to do the same thing here; just invert the delayed signal on one side to produce mirrored comb filtering...?
I think a good way to tell would be to sum back to mono and confirm it still sounds ok. It's really a fun & cool idea and I want to try this at my earliest opportunity, especially since I have a few Graphic EQs from my old PA that are just collecting dust and have almost zero resale value at this point.
if you are using an EQ like Fabfilter Pro Q, Eventide Split... probably a ton more, you can make the eq points Left or Right and do this same kind of thing I've done it on Synths a few times.
Like this. The first and last point are stereo, the mid points are Left and Right.