Most favoured of the most heavy

Total votes: 12 (48%)
Total votes: 8 (32%)
Total votes: 5 (20%)
Total votes: 25

Re: Holy Trinity of Heaviness-dome: Swans vs Neurosis vs Godflesh

M.H wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 4:27 pm I suppose when I'm talking about the ultimate kind of heavy that these 3 bands represent very well, I'm refering to music that is:

. Based in the rock paradigm but not easily categorisable in a sub-genre (i.e.: if you can pigeon hole it easily it then it's not quite up to the standard required here).

. Taking the intensity of the most intense punk / hardcore into musical realms well beyond those genres' limitations but keeping the nihilism / despair factor cranked to full (like, the unrelenting doom vibe on those early Discharge records or the explosive anger on the early Black Flag stuff).

Earth go there on the debut but get way more arty and abstract thereafter, the Melvins went there on Gluey Porch Treatments and Lysol but their humour (however cynical it was) is an instant disqualifier.

I guess (for my money) the sludge bands on Pessimiser records (like Grief, Noothgrush, Dystopia or 16) come close but are a little too close to extreme punk / metal territory and lack the "arty" angle to take them into the big leagues- I guess the spectacularly depraved and perverse aesthetic that EyeHateGod mined just about push them into the conversation w/ the original three bands, but I think they aren't quite THAT great.

Mortician is disqualified for various reasons, but if I could nominate an individual song it would be this Celtic Frost cover:
Escape Rope / Black Mesa / Inflatable Sex Babies

Re: Holy Trinity of Heaviness-dome: Swans vs Neurosis vs Godflesh

Craw is a good shout, though (IMO) Dazzling Killmen did that kind of thing way better - they had blood boiling psychopath vibe that gave them an edge over the more aggro bands on Skin Graft or AmRep or Trance Syndicate.

Zeni Geva - yes.

Slayer - 100% no, they're a metal band (an unusually intense metal band, but it's not heavy in the way we're talking about here).

Today is the Day's first 4 records do this heavy very well, but when they threw in a dollop of extreme metal in the mix from In the Eyes of God they diluted their end product quite a bit.

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