Re: Tipping The Sacred Cows 2.0
401Starting to think this Trump guy might be an asshole.
Trey Wrote: "How great must a thread be to miss such a thing? Beans on the penis great, I suppose"
Pretty big dick to his actors, too, and whether he intended it or not, a big contributor to auteur theory.A_Man_Who_Tries wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:27 am Stanley Kubrick.
Fine filmmaker, exceptional collaborator, not some sui generis artist. You could pick a half-dozen filmographies over his without thinking too hard.
Not to say I'm not a huge fan of some Kubrick, etc, &c.
indeed. this is all over the place.DaveA wrote: Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:24 pm An issue with Kubrick is that he's been overly associated with "maverick" filmmaking and having fussy technical and directorial standards, but the list of filmmakers for whom the same qualities would apply is really quite vast, the deeper one digs. Plenty of filmographies have just as much or more to offer, and yet, his name always comes up like clockwork (no pun intended) in assessments of filmmakers who "did it their way."
Honestly, I feel the same about music, in that one might have their favorites, bands or artists they think of as one of a kind, but if so many people out there have the basic building blocks of a sound and style, and they can avoid shooting themselves in the foot, the actual number of people "bringing it" in some capacity, making the music they want to make and doing it well, isn't that tidy. Not all of this art will be one's cup of tea or socially relevant or pressing enough to command one's attention, but there's always a lot more out there than there might appear.
Try listening to You Goddamned Son of a Bitch from 'You Often Forget' to 'Attack Ships on Fire' - rabid intensity w/ unfuckable grooves, it's what really sold me on them (though it's more post-studio trickery than an actual document).
Front 242 are one of my favourite bands. This is partly why it is that I kept trying. Thank you for the tips - shall return to the task….M.H wrote: Sun Oct 23, 2022 4:27 pmTry listening to You Goddamned Son of a Bitch from 'You Often Forget' to 'Attack Ships on Fire' - rabid intensity w/ unfuckable grooves, it's what really sold me on them (though it's more post-studio trickery than an actual document).
Debut is great if you like Front 242 / Luc Van Acker (and I do). The rest is patchy, the 'reunion' stuff is dreadful.
Pulse grew on me, and I loved Still and Raw
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