jfv wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 1:13 pm
I haven't seen it online yet, but cable news TV in the USA is currently reporting that a (stray?) Russian missile has struck a location in Poland and killed some people.
So much for taking a break from watching the news.
Yeah, one local (I'm Polish) media outlet reported on it being (russian?) rockets (strike happened around 5 hours ago, at 15:50 CET, 14:50 GMT) and after that all of the media went pretty much quiet and only mentioned an explosion and 2 people dead - rather clearly by demand of the government. Meanwhile Skynews was and is all like:
I haven't seen any sort of official confirmations it was a Russian rocket, the biggest plotwist I can think of is that those were Polish rockets used by Ukrainians in an attempt to shoot down Russian rocket.
Oh and the Twitter (#przewodow) is a (Russian, I assume) trolling galore at the moment so be very careful if you fine people go there. My favorite so far:
(this indeed is downtown Warsaw - years ago, at night before a military parade. there are no tanks whatsoever anywhere near this spot)