Hippie BS?

Total votes: 2 (29%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 5 (71%)
Total votes: 7

Re: Supplement: CBD

None of the CBD edibles or supplements I've had made any effect on me, but I used some CBD-infused lotion at my parents' cabin on a sore spot on my shoulders and neck and it made the pain go away, and I felt amazing. Even if the supplements don't do much for me, the fact that there's some non-opiate based pain relief out there that's actually helping people is enough for a Not Crap vote from me.
f.k.a. jimmy two hands

Re: Supplement: CBD

I've found it helps me personally, placebo or not.
I did a pretty large literature review and pilot study when I worked for the VA hospital. We could tell CBD did <i>something</i>. It definitely affected metabolic processes, and gut flora. Our lab got shut down during the recession and we gave up out research.
I love you.

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