Re: Little Details from Your Day

Frankie99 wrote: Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:51 am What happened? I honestly have no idea, but Herb died a long time ago, so I don't know that there's a direct relationship between these 2 things.
I don't know much about their operations side (and I have mostly had decent experiences flying SWA, for what it is) but their tech is largely stuck in the '90s, and have been too slow to upgrade and let go of legacy stuff. The career-lifer thing is definitely true, and unfortunately can get in the way of modernization as there are too many layers of management looking after their own asses first. Lots of top-down finger pointing at that place. I mostly just take some comfort in knowing my suspicions (and many others there much more in-the-know) were correct, and that this type of (not the first) embarrassing fiasco was imminent.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

I hope I don't lose all of my Rapid Rewards points.

I think I'm beginning to not like flying. Might be because of SWA. Might be because I'm not paying extra to get on the plane sooner. Might be because I find airports to be depressing.
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Yeah, we booked 3 separate one way flights between here, SF and LA back to here for the Unwound shows next month and not one leg was SWA, which surprised me. My wife does all the booking and between cost and departure time/one way flight availability she said SWA didn't make sense. Very unusual for flying out of/back to Dallas.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Part of my day was working a graveside funeral service here in Portland, where we are experiencing torrential downpours and gusts of wind up to 80 mph. No tent, no chairs, flowers all laid flat on the ground. The wind was coming from all directions. The particular cemetery garden where we were was a good-sized meadow surrounded by tall evergreen trees. It was a gas watching 80 black-clad people turn their backs all at once when we would see and hear a group of trees getting blasted by the wind, knowing we were about to take a hard rain in the face.
"And the light, it burns your a language you don't understand."

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Covid positive for me last night. my wife is feeling crappy as well. She will likely test positive later today.

I am mainlining Dayquil/Nyquil, and feel much better today.

Kids both home from college, don't see them until noon every day - a very off-kilter family life.

not sure how my older son is going to nail down a summer internship if he doesn't even get dressed until 2pm, but whatever.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Lex and I are on hols with friends at their family’s home on the central coast several hours north of Sydney. Wine, BBQing, jigsaw puzzles, the works. Rather hungover. It has been a massive year so we do need just a few days not working. Delightful.
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Little Details from Your Day

I went to back out of my garage this morning and there were two boxes that had blown in front blocking my way. I get out and take a look and my one neighbor had garbage outside their can stacked up. Figured the wind blew their stack of garbage and the boxes got away. So I returned the boxes to their stack. This isn't the first time garbage has blown over from their side, no big deal I either throw it away or return it. Garbage day is tomorrow so whatever.

I return to my car and start to back out and see the neighbor has rushed out to her gate and is franticly gesturing for me. I get out and she immediately starts screaming at me. "WHY ARE YOU THROWING YOUR GARBAGE OVER HERE! THIS IS RUDE! I NEED YOU TO REMOVE YOUR GARBAGE!" I explain to her its not MY garbage it was blocking my garage, since your house is the only house on the entire block with garbage outside it seemed like it was yours and I thought I was doing you a favor. THIS IS NOT MY GARBAGE! I AM GOING TO STAND HERE UNTIL YOU MOVE IT! So I apologize and move the 2 boxes. THEN she says I DONT WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOUR GARBAGE SHOW UP OVER HERE. (Again, I have cleaned up her garbage a half dozen times without a peep from me). The amount of of restraint I showed by just turning around and leaving deserves a medal.

Now I am stewing about this. I hate thinking I am doing a nice thing for someone and then getting yelled at for it in return. Also, I put it in the garbage, I didnt throw the boxes in their yard. People throw shit in my cans all the time, who cares. I don't yell at people when their garbage gets loose, it is the way of the alley. Anyways this has completely soured my first day back to work and I literally just sat down in my chair.
guitar in -

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