noemienours: Before Hibernation (digital release)


This noemienours set is a nylon-stringed guitar adaptation of pieces/songs from noemienours’ two last albums “Tardigrade Bouncing” and “The Dry Path” but also from the second LP in the noemienours split lathe cut series. This includes music originally performed on electric guitar and harpsichord, with two of the Charles Mouton (1617- ca 1699) harpsichord transposition performed on nylon-stringed guitar.
noemienours records has released 8 LPs, a 7”, a double Cd and a book so far to explore the timelessly primitive sentient life in the forests of Sweden, with a general slo-fi songwriting framework reminiscent of bands like Flying Saucer Attack or Empress, noemienours has evolved in her most recent releases into more complex melodic structures, influenced as much by early keyboard/lute music, Scandinavian folk/jazz or folk/pagan post-metal in its relationship to the forest, but seen from the forest itself, in its timeless, immaterial, sentient meaning.
released October 22, 2022

Recorded live at Burmans, Umeå, the oldest record store in Scandinavia, on Olympus WS-853 digital dictaphone, October 22nd 2022 by noemienours.

All music performed by noemienours.

All music and lyrics composed/written by noemienours except tracks 5 and 9 composed by Charles Mouton (ca. 1617-1699).

Artwork and mastering by noemienours.

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