by rsmurphy
I dreamt that I was on an airplane travelling to Michigan for a gambling retreat. Former FM Itchy Magoo was a travel partner along with sundry others who weren't readily identifiable save for one guy who I used to fuck with in high school, but he turned into a mega MAGA chud later in life (an embarassing fact about me is I haven't been on an airplane since I was, let's say ten-years-old). This fact was omnipresent in my dream brain as I was marvelling at the experience. Another issue that was weighing on my dream melon was that I had taken this trip on a whim without notifying my employer, and I was very much looking forward to informing them that I took a surprise trip out of town and wouldn't be in for the next couple of days.
The particulars of the flight were rad. The plane was travelling on highways and in residential areas before shooting straight into the sky. I climbed into a space that was situated directly in front of the cockpit so that I might see better, but became hella nervous that I wouldn't be able to leave this area without tumbling backwards being that we were travelling upright. So I just made myself comfortable and waited for the landing which was on the roof of a large garage, or, car hole, which I found peculiar. Looking out on Michigan I watched a diverse citizenry milling about in an economically distressed area. Itchy kept wanting to roughhouse. Then I woke up.
Justice for Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell