Guitar Tech-ing for Major Bands

As some of you know, a little over a year ago I stumbled into a one-off teching gig for Billy Idol's rhythm guitarist for a show in Vancouver. It was exciting, but a super-stressful nightmare of lost and missing gear, 15 band festival logistics, etc. Glad I did it.

Just got a call today. My buddy, who is the lead guitarists' long-time tech is unable to make a gig in April, and he would like me to step in. I was available, so said yes. But holy shit am I nervous. Lots of floating trem, synth, wireless nonsense. Add to that a flight to get there, borrowing a tech tool kit that is not my own.

convince me not to have an existential meltdown.

Re: Guitar Tech-ing for Major Bands

This thread kind of got me thinking that it can be easy to psych yourself out worrying you don’t have Every Single Hard Skill, but with so many jobs, once you get a foot in the door, it’s not about the hard skills but about being able to just fucking wing it, and be someone people trust. Granted I don’t know you but I’m sure that’s part of why you got the referral? I mean, you’re fucking making aluminum guitars from scratch right? You got this.

Re: Guitar Tech-ing for Major Bands

^ +1

You didn't get the referral because you're shit. You got it because you have proven yourself. No one with any sense would vouch for you if they didn't feel you were up to the task.

Great job and well-earned! I look forward to the ensuing stories! What an adventure you're about to embark upon - Salut!

Re: Guitar Tech-ing for Major Bands

twelvepoint wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:59 am This thread kind of got me thinking that it can be easy to psych yourself out worrying you don’t have Every Single Hard Skill, but with so many jobs, once you get a foot in the door, it’s not about the hard skills but about being able to just fucking wing it, and be someone people trust. Granted I don’t know you but I’m sure that’s part of why you got the referral? I mean, you’re fucking making aluminum guitars from scratch right? You got this.
Yeah.. nobody here should feel a case of Imposter Syndrome. If your name is in the ring it's probably cuz you'll show up knowing like 90% what to do immediately, and as long as they aren't pricks the remaining 10% should come pretty organically. And believe me I've worked with actual imposters and know how to spot the difference.

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