Christian guy: Kirk Cameron

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Total votes: 27

Christian guy: Kirk Cameron

Is he a Christian? I had no idea, I guess I'll have to read up on what he did toward the end of that show. All I remember about that guy is that girls thought he was cute, and the photomontage of him "growing up" from the opening of the show had a picture that looked a lot like I did at the same age, so I had this hope that I would grow up to be found cute by the same girls. Ha ha, huh?

I guess it isn't just a coincidence that he was in the movie adaptation of that Left Behind series, then.
How much is that doggy in the window? 40 days and 40 nights.

Christian guy: Kirk Cameron

upcoming movie The Passion of The Christ. In a statement released through his contemporary Christian publicist, Cameron said, "I really don't think Mr. Gibson has prayed about this. After all, the Lord put it on my heart to play Him." Cameron noted that God would naturally tap him for the Christ role as a reward for faithfully portraying Buck Williams in the comedic film series Left Behind. In the press release, Cameron also pointed to his experience on the campy 80's sitcom "Growing Pains." "If you analyze the full body of my work on Growing Pains, you will see that my character Mike Seaver was often scammed by his pal Boner. The semblance between their relationship and that of Jesus and Judas is uncanny."

Though admittedly disappointed, Cameron offered his services as the risen Christ in any sequel to Passion. "Gibson's obvious disobedience to the will of God notwithstanding, I am already blocking scenes for The Resurrection."

"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin."
H. L. Mencken


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