Re: Good, lesser known horror movies

A24 is adapting the recent liminal spaces backrooms trend to which Skinimark is indebted into a feature length titled, well, The Backrooms. Liminal spaces and analog horror are fun enough late at night, headphones on, bowl a-blazing, but so far translating online horror trends and shorts to the big screen are lacking, looking at Slender Man/Marble Hornets and Lights Out specifically. I often wonder how many projects in development are directly inspired by SCP Foundation Series. I bet tons.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Good, lesser known horror movies

A_Man_Who_Tries wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:30 pm As depressing,and predictable a sentence as you could ever read. the right hands this whole backroom/liminal space trend can be expanded into larger themes, and if any company could do it I'd rather it be A24 than Blumhouse. The idea of existing in a space that hasn't or had already materialized but is vanishing is pretty cool (and already explored by Stephen King in The Langoliers if I'm keeping it real).

What has been will be again, just with different producers.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Good, lesser known horror movies

I had to travel almost fifteen miles to watch The Outwaters due to its limited theatrical release, and as a fan of the much maligned found footage genre I'm happy I did. If you find found footage annoying you're going to hate it. The first half is fairly rote but it looks nice, good cinematography, bright and sunny; but by the third act the viewer is immersed in almost total darkness with nothing but the sounds of a cosmic hell to work your imagination. It also gets pretty gruesome. I'm not doing a great job of describing it, but will say that I felt more uneasy on my way home than in the theater. Big ups for sound design and the slithering Lovecraftian invertebrates.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Good, lesser known horror movies

Re-watched Barbarian because it has subtly been calling to me, and just no. Great set-up but the rest leans too much on dumb decisions and falls inside of massive plot holes. I do not like it. Loved the humor tho! Shut it off with something like ten minutes remaining. Maybe 5.

Smile > Barbarian
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Good, lesser known horror movies

Krev wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:53 pm I just watched The Offering. Interesting to see a Kabbalah-themed horror.
Shame that it had to rely on a wave of jump scares instead of coasting on the creep factor it uses when not repeatedly shouting "boo" at you. I liked The Vigil a bit more, but not by much. Semi-related there's a Polish horror film from 2015 called Demon which deals with a dybbuk. Way different in tone and scares, but enjoyable and funny.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

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