by Charlie D
I'm not a spiritual guy, don't believe in the afterlife or ghosts or anything like that. This is not the post where I tell you, "But I felt a presence," either.
Yesterday, I'm working on fixing up my brother's old (Excel) Jazz Bass copy. The wood and construction are good, the neck is shock-straight but the hardware is shit and it's clear he never maintained it, even more clear that he smoked inside - covered in dirt, dust, filth, corrosion... I also have a (Saturday Night Special) Jazz Bass copy, so happens that the hardware is good but the wood is ply, the construction is shit, and the neck is warped and the truss rod is stripped. The electronics on both are... lacking so that'll be a Stew Mac order in the near future, Anyway, it made sense to take the hardware off the SNS and put it on the Excel. Combine two cheap basses into one tolerable bass.
Poured a lowball of tequila, got out the WD-40, the air-duster, the screwdriver and wrench sets, put on the rubber gloves and the Foxy Brown CD and got to work. Finish the tequila about the time Foxy wraps up her bit and grab a beer and put on Gladys Knight and the Pips (Neither One Of Us / Imagination double LP). About the time I'm swapping the tuners, I find myself muttering and I ask out loud, "Why do you have a fucking magnet on your tuning key. dude?"
It wasn't like I was expecting an answer. I knew he wasn't there but the way it came out of my mouth, the sort of chops-busting I used to give him when I worked on his guitars for him back in the day in that attic work-space at my first place, over beers and with a radio that picked up only the R&B / soul station. I had started on the G tuner, I was at the D tuner about this time. I stopped and had a moment of realization. It was just the same way I used to break his balls and he wasn't there. I think I muttered something like "Jesus Christ, dude," and went back to work, still muttering shit like, "Is this wax, dude??" (No, for real, the kid had like fucking candle wax on the A and E tuners.)
I don't know, I just felt compelled to say something out loud. I think maybe I was just in that headspace. Feels weird trying to describe it without sounding like one of those people who has a "Footsteps" poster in their living room but that was how it always was between us: He'd bring me a forty of malt liquor and his guitar and I'd fix it up with whatever salvaged parts I had lying in the tool box, all the while brotherly chiding him for whatever he broke this time, trying to show him how to replace a saddle or solder in a switch and him just saying, "Uh-huh. Uh-huh."
The fucking doofus. Miss that fucker.