Steely Dan

Total votes: 27 (44%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 35 (56%)
Total votes: 62

Re: Band: Steely Dan

Frankie99 wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 7:45 am
twelvepoint wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:07 am Isn’t this also the origin story for Lovin’ Spoonful’s name as well? Man those boomers loved grossly exaggerating their payloads didn’t they? Tell you what, my next band THIMBLE is gonna be the realest this ever.
Is disappointing finish taken?
Yes, I’m partial to their early material such as “Weird, this Doesn’t Usually Happen”

Re: Band: Steely Dan

andyman wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:37 pm Somehow I'd managed to never hear one of their songs (not like thought I hadn't heard one and then played a song and was like "oh yeah, this is that thing I always hear in the supermarket", but actually hadn't ever heard one somehow). I just tried a couple and this stuff is everything I hated about the 80s when I was growing up in the 90s. Like, you see cop films from that era and there's always a bit halfway through where there's a night shot of the city and an overbearing saxophone cries out then it cuts to the cop and the woman he's protecting suddenly, inexplicably having sex. More saxophone.

Was that all inspired by this band? Even more reason to hate them.

Holy fuck.
I'm listening and all I can picture is striped grey suits, restaurants that look like brutalist modern art galleries and square haircuts.
More outrageous saxophone.
You say all of this like these are bad things. You left out cocaine.
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Band: Steely Dan

“Peg” came up on a spotify playlist this weekend and I sat down and listened attentively through the legendary guitar solo several times, the one they spent three weeks, seven guitarists, and reels upon reels of tape before they finally said “ooh that’s HOT *sniiifffff* it really SPARKLES and SHINES!” And this is what they got for all that effort and excess? This weather channel-ass 8 minute local radar update interlude-ass guitar solo, with a tone like an electric kazoo held together by rubber bands that got dunked in water a few too many times? This is the stuff of legends? Mein gott, it’s enough to make me want to support the war on drugs.
f.k.a. jimmy two hands

Re: Band: Steely Dan

The alternate solos they share in that documentary were way more noodly and technical. I think other guitarists came in, heard the song and assumed that's what they wanted. Turns out they wanted something simple and almost improvised sounding.

It makes for a fluffy studio story but c'mon.. haven't you ever tried something over and over only to go back to something kind of dumb, and realized it was the best fit.

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