Herb: Parsley

Total votes: 14 (93%)
Total votes: 1 (7%)
Total votes: 15

Re: Herb: Parsley

Flat parsley is indispensable. Add it to sauces and dishes right before they come off the heat and stir it in. You cannot miss the difference.

For storage, rinse the leaves and shake off most of the water. Cut a bit off the stems, plunk the bunch in a glass of water and put it in the fridge. Once the leaves are dry, place a thin plastic produce bag over the bunch and the glass, and roll up the bottom so a little air gets in but not too much. You are trying to create a humid microclimate above the parsley leaves. Flat parsley will keep like this for a week or more, easy. Same method works for cilantro, though that doesn't last as long.

Re: Herb: Parsley

Depends. Certainly don't like it as garnish. It has too powerful taste and unpleasant texture. But places here make shawarma with some kind of sesame sauce (likely made from tahini), plus lots of chopped parsley. So you have the acidic taste of pickles plus the deep, rough, slightly bitter taste of sesame, plus parsley, which in that context is exactly the right thing.
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