penningtron wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 12:20 pm
have to resist slouching back and noodling while watching TV as I know those angles are doing extra damage.
Yeah. Everyone: DON'T DO THIS. I know it's easy and tempting. Please don't. It's a great way to totally fuck up your fretting hand thumb. Speaking from experience. Don't be a dumbass like me. Your mom was right: sit up straight. If being browbeaten by me isn't enough to motivate you, I will post a video of the much-hated Polyphia dudes playing guitars while seated in stupid positions, and you don't want to be like THEM do you?
Likewise/conversely don't get stuck in the classic guitar player forward slouch either, this is terrible for your shoulders, and it will eventually manifest in your hands. This position is impossible to not sink into from time to time, just learn to be conscious of it so you can straighten yourself out fairly quickly and not sit there for hours like that, cause that will ruin you. Again, speaking from experience.
All that posture stuff is important everywhere else too, if you have perfect posture when playing guitar but spend 8 hours a day hunched over your desk and 2 hours a night slouching playing video games...well....
Playing standing up solves a lot of problems all at once, unless you're strapping on an 11lb Les Paul or something.
penningtron wrote:persistent forearm pain
If it's persistent you really should lay off the acoustic for a bit, take a week or two off and let your shit heal.
Playing guitar isn't digging ditches, you shouldn't have ANY pain at all. Stretching really helps a ton, I stretch throughout the day and do a whole batch of them after any serious playing time.
If you can afford to see a massage therapist once a month, that really helps keep your shit working right. I've been seeing mine regularly for a couple years now, she's made a huge difference for me. When I started seeing her my hands were completely fucked, I never stretched and had decades of bad posture to undo. I was seriously looking at a slide guitar into shoegaze pedalboard future. Not kidding. I said almost exactly that to her. Between seeing her, being conscious of my posture, and stretching regularly, now I'm fine, I can play as much as I want no problem.
All the stuff you listed I think of as just more/less comfortable, not pain-inducing. Thick necks are tough for me, but I have small hands and play with my thumb on the back of the neck a lot. Super thin, Ibanez-style necks aren't comfortable either. Fretboard don't feel like there's all that much difference between good old Fender 9.5" and modern shredder 12'-16" compound, I'm fine with either. Heavier strings and higher action will obviously make it tougher to play, but again, these things shouldn't actually be causing any pain.