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Indoor footwear: Slippers

My current pair are easily the best I’ve ever owned, and I look forward to putting them on every single day. What about you though? Do you even wear them? Or do you strut around your home enduring the suboptimal comfort of socks, or even your disgusting bare feet which you then don’t even wash before getting into bed?

Re: Indoor footwear: Slippers

Owen wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:01 pm My life got so much better when I started wearing slippers. I have 3 different pairs: one for when it is real cold, one for regular, and one pair that are indoor outdoor (I'll run the garbage out or something).
To think that I thought that I was the only one on that kind of nonsense...


Re: Indoor footwear: Slippers

This is another one of those… I don’t wear them but I’m not gonna crap on them… things.

In households that are very strict about separating indoor vs. outdoor footwear, slippers seem like essential items.

I do not live in a household like this. I almost always wear shoes with firm soles, indoors or outdoors, because my toes are brittle and are subject to injury if you just breathe on them in the wrong way.

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jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Indoor footwear: Slippers

Yeah as long as you aren't tracking mud/snow/etc shoes are fine in the house, just prefer having slippers on.

Growing up -20s I just always had shoes on, I was always going in and out, so I always just left shoes on. I also think my feet (and hands) run cold, so having slippers on are warmer than just socks.
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