
Total votes: 2 (9%)
Not Crap
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Leave me alone
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Total votes: 22

Re: Indoor footwear: Slippers

Happyman wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:45 am I also feel very impoverished knowing people here have heated floors. I only just got a floor.
Despite the fact that district heating was invented in the US more than a century ago, it has languished and let to go to pot. As in most things that are unprofitable, but wasteful, The US does not value the heated floor, and it's absolutely a luxury item there. I suffered through the first half of my life with the misery of forced air heating or electric fan heating.

However where I live today we believe in the efficiency gains and comfort of this wonderful thing called residential district heating and are investing in it further. Heated floors are commonplace in any new build, and a popular upgrade during renovations. Triple glazed windows are also mandated. I'm saving the earth here motherfucker.
Write your congressman.

Re: Indoor footwear: Slippers

numberthirty wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:52 pm
Owen wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:01 pm My life got so much better when I started wearing slippers. I have 3 different pairs: one for when it is real cold, one for regular, and one pair that are indoor outdoor (I'll run the garbage out or something).
To think that I thought that I was the only one on that kind of nonsense...
Not at all. I also do this. The “real cold” ones are for no socks, other two are with-socks. I find that leather “driving shoes” (still skeptical this is a legit category of footwear) and Vans slipons both work very well as the normal pair of slippers.

Part of the reason I started doing this is that I broke the same little toe several times by catching it on the edge of furniture.

Re: Indoor footwear: Slippers

when you have free range hens running around your property you learn very quickly that slippers are handy. It's almost impossible to go from my car in the driveway to the front door without stepping on some chicken poop somewhere, and it's impossible to go out to the hen yard to gather eggs without getting crap (literally) on your feet. Is ok. I don't pay $6 or more for eggs, I gotta give the damn things away most of the time since I get 30-35 every week and we can't eat that many.

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