Re: Movies you have watched thread.

jfv wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:03 pm The Super Mario Bros. Movie

1) Have a beer
2) Think about every Mario game you have played
3) Don’t think about anything else

It was a great time.

Helps if you like Jack Black.

Music was great.
7 year old NEEDED to see this, so it happened. Saw it in 4D, which is a throwback to smell-o-vision, with rocking seats and squirting water and shit. Fucking dreadful "movie". They should have called it the Mario Kart movie, because it's just wall to wall "in your face" action set-pieces with NOTHING to say and no jokes, You know when Jack Black performs the same song he obviously improvised on the spot TWICE, they are bereft of ideas. There is literally more plot in any of the games. Now I want to see the Bob Hoskins version.

Re: Movies you have watched thread.

zorg wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:36 am
jfv wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:03 pm The Super Mario Bros. Movie

1) Have a beer
2) Think about every Mario game you have played
3) Don’t think about anything else

It was a great time.

Helps if you like Jack Black.

Music was great.
7 year old NEEDED to see this, so it happened. Saw it in 4D, which is a throwback to smell-o-vision, with rocking seats and squirting water and shit. Fucking dreadful "movie". They should have called it the Mario Kart movie, because it's just wall to wall "in your face" action set-pieces with NOTHING to say and no jokes, You know when Jack Black performs the same song he obviously improvised on the spot TWICE, they are bereft of ideas. There is literally more plot in any of the games. Now I want to see the Bob Hoskins version.
I acknowledge it was basically a 90-minute commercial for their games. I wasn't expecting much else, let alone an engaging plot.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Movies you have watched thread.

Cronenberg's eXistenZ is by far the best video game movie. Uwe Boll's Rampage is competing for the spot, though it could've used some editing. Oshii's Avalon is charming but a little confusing, I need to rewatch it.

In addition to the very solid and very creepy Event Horizon, Paul WS Anderson was bossing over some pretty characterful and unusual movies (Soldier, Alien vs Predator) before he became the go-to for the endless stream of Resident Evil sequels. And that Death Race remake which sucked. Anyway the Mortal Kombat movie is from the earlier era so I'm interested.

Video games have not been treated well adapted to movie format. The rest of the Uwe Boll catalogue is so bad it's good. The Hitman and Max Payne movies are completely pointless. The Silent Hill one had some interesting things but also very dumb things. Dead or Alive is stupendously awful, but clearly aware of how dumb its own concept is, which makes it somewhat charming. Yeah there's that Doom movie too. So boring I can't remember anything except it looked like a commercial.

There's probably a dozen Street Fighter movies. I've seen some anime one and remember Chun Li was nekkid (I was 13). Have yet to watch the Van Damme one but it's a safe bet it won't be good.

As for videogame-themed movies, I liked Ready Player One, one or two silly plot things notwithstanding. Tron is passable, mostly of historical interest, although the art is very nice.
born to give

Re: Movies you have watched thread.

enframed wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:46 am
Wood Goblin wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:22 pm David Lynch’s Dune.

I last watched this as a kid, when it was new.

I was hoping to find something redeeming in it; even the worst David Lynch movie usually has at least one spectacular scene. Or so I thought. This one is garbage. By far his worst movie, and it’s not even close.
I liked it a lot.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess. FWIW, I only made it about ten pages into the novel and about 20 minutes into the remake.

Re: Movies you have watched thread.

jfv wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:37 am
zorg wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:36 am
jfv wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:03 pm The Super Mario Bros. Movie

1) Have a beer
2) Think about every Mario game you have played
3) Don’t think about anything else

It was a great time.

Helps if you like Jack Black.

Music was great.
7 year old NEEDED to see this, so it happened. Saw it in 4D, which is a throwback to smell-o-vision, with rocking seats and squirting water and shit. Fucking dreadful "movie". They should have called it the Mario Kart movie, because it's just wall to wall "in your face" action set-pieces with NOTHING to say and no jokes, You know when Jack Black performs the same song he obviously improvised on the spot TWICE, they are bereft of ideas. There is literally more plot in any of the games. Now I want to see the Bob Hoskins version.
I acknowledge it was basically a 90-minute commercial for their games. I wasn't expecting much else, let alone an engaging plot.
One of those rare times where SNL is funny:

Re: Movies you have watched thread.

I grabbed Amsterdam (David O. Russell) at the library on a whim when they had it on display. The critics trashed it and I'm all too aware of the reasons I shouldn't like it.

Maybe it's low expectations crossed with the fact that I haven't had the chance to watch a film uninterrupted in months but I found it very enjoyable. It's self consciously twee, quirky and nostalgic to almost Wes Anderson level of handcraft and the coda explains things to the audience that seem viscerally obvious. Still the warm hues, the beautiful actresses, the use of 30's Amsterdam as these characters' momentary Eden, and Christian Bale as a weak but generous character, as well as historical intrigue made for good viewing. Borderline guilty pleasure but some definite skill in this flick.

Re: Movies you have watched thread.

Just deplaned from a long flight to Korea, and took the opportunity to watch three recent films:

Tár - I like Cate Blanchett as an actress and think she looks super attractive in a suit. Plus, she plays an orchestra conductor. So I should like it, right? Well, the aforementioned were enough to get me through to the end of the film, but not much else. Whatever message the film had, I don’t really care enough to try to parse it out. Meh.

A Man Called Otto - another situation where I like the main actor but did not like the film. Thought it was going to be funny. It wasn’t. It was really fucking depressing and makes me think of my father-in-law who is also a widower and doesn’t seem to want to live any more. Definitely won’t watch this one again.

The Fabelmans - I liked it. Well-acted. Definitely seemed like a film that Spielberg wanted to make for himself. Good for him. Would watch again.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

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