Re: RIP v2 - still no cure for death

"“I’ve been messing about doing things like that since I was about six. To a certain extent, people are contained, but for me I can listen to some footwork stuff, some mad Japanese noise or a bubblegum pop song all in the same 10 minutes.”

RIP Mark
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: RIP v2 - still no cure for death

I worked in the BMG building in Times Square for several years, around twenty years ago.
One day, returning from lunch, I saw Belafonte in the lobby, having a conversation with one of the security guards.

I imagine HB had some kind of business in the building, having been signed to RCA forever.
He probably had a meeting upstairs with top executives or something.
But he still took time to be a regular guy with this guard, who was sort of the senior of the guards, an African-American man roughly HB's age.
I wondered if they had known each other for long, or were maybe meeting for the first time.
HB had no entourage and seemed to be by himself.
Maybe this guard was the only one who recognized him, and he started the conversation.
Either way it's one of my favorite NYC memories and HB seemed to me to be one of the real ones.

Calypso was the first LP to sell over one million copies. And it's good.

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