Run the Jewels?

Total votes: 4 (40%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 6 (60%)
Total votes: 10

Re: Duo: Run the Jewels

MMA gym music. Crap.

There's something sort of depressing about two underrated artists coming together to collaborate and finding their greatest success by making the least interesting music of their careers. Just listen to Funcrusher Plus and I Pledge Alligience To The Grind II instead.
sparkling anti-capitalist

Re: Duo: Run the Jewels

No comment, as I don't possess criteria for judging the raps music. However I take issue with people giving Danzig a hard time about stealing his cool horned skull logo from an obscure funny book, but these guys don't get guff for sourcing their logo from a relatively well known horror movie.

Re: Duo: Run the Jewels

I want to like them because they're affable and funny, and I like when people are friends, but I find their records exhausting to listen to. Short albums with a massive listener fatigue index. Best thing they did was that track with DJ Shadow. It's fantastic.

El-P was a great interview on Open Mike Eagle's show, recommended for sure.

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