Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most

Social Distortion
Total votes: 7 (11%)
Total votes: 8 (13%)
Total votes: 34 (55%)
Green Day
Total votes: 5 (8%)
Total votes: 8 (13%)
Total votes: 62

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

Because of this thread, I listened to NOFX on Friday as I had never listened to them before. Didn't really like it, mostly b/c of the whiny vocals. Maybe if it was 1997 I'd enjoy it more.

Rancid - I don't really follow them much anymore, but Let's Go -> s/t 2000 is a string of excellent albums.

Green Day I resisted for a long time, but the songs got to me. Thought American Idiot was surprisingly good, but 21st Century Breakdown was a misfire ("let's do another rock opera!"). Haven't listened to anything by them since.

Offspring's music has not aged well with me. I still kind of like the hits from Smash, but everything else is crap. So I guess they win.
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

boilermaker wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:18 am
Rocky Rockbottom wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 1:50 am None of them This music may not be my thing but it makes millions of people happy. Maybe even thrills them to bits. Life affirming even. Who am I to infringe on their happiness?

Abstaining from voting.
You said that The Beatles are crap. Pretty sure they make even more people, than all the bands in this poll combined, happy. Who are you to infringe on their happiness, right?

So I don't follow your logic at all.
Wow, how would you remember that? Great memory! Especially considering I've spent aboot 10 mins total on this forum. i'm no one!

ps I'm not here for my logic, I'm here for my corrosive good looks and THE ROCK.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

losthighway wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 7:43 am^ I don't think it's fair to suggest that any criticism against art that champions working class people is inherently classist. That's awfully close to saying that a criticism of a mediocre hip hop mc must be racist. Working class people deserve good songwriters too.

What if you like Cock Sparrer and the Boss but not Social D, are you still a bourgeois pig?
Bernardo wrote: So if I had any idea what Ness is singing about my gag reflexes would be de-activated?
TBF gents, I only expanded on the class point as I was asked to - I did write about why I thought people could justifiably dismiss Ness's schtick earlier in the thread. I mean, I love Cock Sparrer and can't stand Springsteen, and Ness is closer to the Boss than the Sparrer, for sure.

That said - if you want to argue that some of the sneering dissmisal of this stuff isn't based on basic tribal nastiness, (a nastiness that permeates much of modern discourse / politics / culture and that has grown exponentially in the last decade) then all I can do is (politely) say that I disagree. I don't have any personal animus with you if we disagree. We can have different opinions on things, we're all here talking music because we all love music. All good.

On a music tip: you might need a R'n'R engine check if stuff like this doesn't get you going (w/ Chuck f'n Biscuits holding down the drums):

Though again - if we disagree, all cool.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

M.H wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 7:33 amTBF gents, I only expanded on the class point as I was asked to - I did write about why I thought people could justifiably dismiss Ness's schtick earlier in the thread.

How nice of you to decide for us. It couldn't possibly be that some just think the music sucks, is hokey, or that a large part of his thing is a character/caricature.
I mean, I love Cock Sparrer and can't stand Springsteen..
Which we can assume is on musical grounds, and not that he also happens to get the stamp of approval of a lot of 'elite' types? Which I wouldn't actually suggest because that's fuckin' projecting.

(I'm not into his music but generally think he's a force of good)
Though again - if we disagree, all cool.
You've called me a 'classist' multiple times on this thing for not liking some mall punk, hair metal, or Victory Records bands. And pulled an old quote of mine without much context so no.. not all good.

Re: Which of these California PUNK bands sucks the most?

All of these bands are definitely degrees of terrible. If forced to listen to a record by one of them I guess I’d pick Mommy’s Little Monster.

I’d probably still take all of these bands over 99% of Victory’s roster (which I realize isn’t a Cal label). Man, what a shit label that was.
M.H wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:32 pm Rancid: ...And Out Come The Wolves (As a Londoner I struggle to get past the oi-cosplay vibe and the strangely specific references (I call cultural appropriation)
Today is the day I learned Rancid isn’t British. It was staring at me all that time, but I never thought about it. So I’ll give you cultural appropriation for their vocal affectation for sure. By that same logic I’d also like to propose Green Day is appropriating The Muppets. Because Billy Joe’s affectation is 100% Muppet/Cartoon.
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old: https://shiiin.bandcamp.com/

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