Re: Build an OK hi-fi from scratch

Also not an expert but if baseline pitch/speed stability is a thing for you maybe try to find a tuned up Lenco L75 in yr area. Mine was a revelation swapping it in over a 1200. It'll take a good chunk of yr budget though.

I've been eyeing the Dali speaker catalog for a long while but am still very happy with the ''Canadian Classic'' Energy 22s I've had for years. They're either large stand mounts or smaller floor standers depending on how you see it. Should be easy and affordable to snag from yr local kijiji with some patience.

The canuckaudiomart is worth checking out for 2nd hand stuff...

Re: Build an OK hi-fi from scratch

tape decks- a Sony TCK (the one with Dolby S has the most functions ever and it will FF a C90in about 5 seconds; and it has a pich control and looks good). Or a TEAC / interview recorder. Marantz also, dbx ones are most likely all fucked up by now so watch out but worth a look.
CD players- the Tascam CU-01 i think, i had one but it broke. Any of their players use the same transport technology as the cheapo ones so you're paying for the look and design. Top loading DJ CD players are most likely excellent but I wouldn't risk a second hand one; new only. Denon do some 1U rack player with pro specs

Re: Build an OK hi-fi from scratch

I would look for used Marantz and/or Yamaha Natural Sound series in good condition. 80s-90s.

I would get a used Rega Planar 1 or a Pro-Ject or Music Hall table in that price range. You could do worse than an SL-1200, but I like those other guys better.

Then I would spend every dime I had left in my budget on good speakers. If that's not very much, old Missions are good. The best recent cheap-ass speaker pair I know of is the Pioneer SP-BS22-LR.

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