Re: A Few New Projects

OK- #10 is officially done. Ready for anyone who happens to want it. 25.5" scale, 12" radius, rosewood board, jumbo frets, 8k PAF pickup, Bournes Pots, orange drop cap comes it at just under 8 pounds (hooray, that has been the goal for a while now). How about $1100 or best offer shipped? Need to get this out.
and #11 is getting very close- maybe 1-2 weeks out. This one is a bit different, 24.75 scale, bridge moved back 1/4" to set up for New Standard/5ths (but lots of room to go back to standard). As it sits, with the double weight relief, it is just over 6 pounds- will likely finish at about 7.5.

Re: A Few New Projects

And just like that, #11 is also finished. 24.75" scale, set up for Fifths tuning, C-G. That was new to me, and I made some adjustments so it would intonate correctly. Easily adjustable back to standard.
Time to start on another pair- looking like it will be a 30" Bass VI and a 25.5 bolt on.
Still need to get #10 sold, let me know if anyone is interested- can make you a deal.

Re: A Few New Projects

#10 is still not spoken for- so let me know if you have any interest/trades, etc.

But, we must soldier on: #12 is a 25.5" round heel bolt on neck. I have a squier body on hand to use as a drilling template.
and lucky #13 is a 30" bass VI, wide neck (like a shergold), DC with 2 p-94s. Got the body cut and rounded. Billet has been hacked off the big sheet, some cutting left to do before I can shape the blank.
Between the routing, cutting and shaping I have some serious sawdust and aluminum drifts around the shop. Need to get an intern to clean up around here.

Re: A Few New Projects

well masked, but shop vacs and dust collectors can't keep up, and tend to end up making things messy. All the issues you cite are the reasons tools don't last long in metalworking shops. But I've set things up in such a way that in minimizes the issues. Just shopvac after the fact cleans things up pretty well.

Re: A Few New Projects

#12 is coming along- all rough machining is done- next steps are cutting the headstock opening and milling the drop from fretboard level to headstock level- I really liked the more squared 'ramp' I did on #9, so will try to replicate that. Hope to be done with that and start shaping the neck by end of week.
#13 billet is shaped and neck is chamfered, this just reduces the amount of metal I have to machine for the distal taper of the neck, as well as starting to shape things.
also stuck repainting the shop, which is a nightmare.

Re: A Few New Projects

Day late- gonna post a quick update before the BSMK show tonight.

#12- got a good start on shaping. aiming to push this one a bit to be smaller, close to my Peavey Patriot.
#13- finished rough milling- will do finish milling on the headstock in the next couple days.
and the headline for the weekend- what started as replacing a few bits of damaged siding ended up with this...sill beam completely rotted and needing to be replaced. So, will need to sell a few things to cover some bills.

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