Re: Ableton for Dipshits

penningtron wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:28 am A friend who was considering "going Dale Nixon" with bass in his band told me there's a feature in Ableton where the metronome can adapt to live tempo (triggered from a hi hat or something? Who knows..). I've done some searching around and didn't find anything of the sort, does anyone know what he could have been referring to?
here’s the documentation of the feature. Essentially you dedicate a single input to receiving a click track and Live can adapt to it. Probably will work on more complex signals but simpler = better tracking.

For what it’s worth, I have used Acid, Sound Forge (pre-Sony), Logic (pre- and post-Apple), Pro Tools, Sonar, Reason, and Cubase at different times in the last 20 years and Live makes the most sense to me for electronic music creation (Reaper makes way more sense for recording audio, imho). I’m happy to answer some questions if I can help someone.

Re: Ableton for Dipshits

brephophagist wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 1:32 pm
penningtron wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:28 am A friend who was considering "going Dale Nixon" with bass in his band told me there's a feature in Ableton where the metronome can adapt to live tempo (triggered from a hi hat or something? Who knows..). I've done some searching around and didn't find anything of the sort, does anyone know what he could have been referring to?
here’s the documentation of the feature. Essentially you dedicate a single input to receiving a click track and Live can adapt to it. Probably will work on more complex signals but simpler = better tracking.
Excellent, thanks!

From what I gather, if you miss some beats it just assumes the previously held BPM? That's good, otherwise it seems like you'd have to be pretty rigid with the source click.


Re: Ableton for Dipshits

seby wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 5:54 am It is the only DAW I use, really only because I had to pick one and all of my friends use it, so it came with a free community of help-lines.
It;s not bad when it started. You had a nice sampler and some synths. I still use it a lot. When people started using midi plugins to make generative music I kind of tuned out ( I have done it), The intergration with MAX/Msp is great. I can make a vector synth and manipulate it. It's not a bad program for creating sounds and tracks.
Latencey with out board gear is a huge issue.
"There's a felling I get when I look to the west"
"When the meaningful words. When they cease to function. When there's nothing to say."

Re: Ableton for Dipshits

seby wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 5:54 am It is the only DAW I use, really only because I had to pick one and all of my friends use it, so it came with a free community of help-lines.
It's not bad. Just about ten years ago when people found out how to chain MIDI devices together kind of took the fun out of programming in it. Do I use it, yes. Do I use it all the time, no. All my softwear is antiquated anyway so I"m still using Abelton's sampler in Pro Tools. I"m still on version 10, it works great with Max/MSP. Will I ever upgrade and make it my go to DAW? I doubt it.
"There's a felling I get when I look to the west"
"When the meaningful words. When they cease to function. When there's nothing to say."

Re: Ableton for Dipshits

numberthirty wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 9:00 pm
seby wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 5:54 am It is the only DAW I use, really only because I had to pick one and all of my friends use it, so it came with a free community of help-lines.
Just sayin'...
Fair, am going to jump on reaper soon
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

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