accepting ideas and keeping them supported when its self-rambling speculation not designed to inform or help but to self.. want? to appear a certain way? writing to feel as though its great..that becomes nazi porpaganda.. some wrong, reinforced idea that doesn't assist humanity. your lies are dangerous, yo .. i know about dangerous because that's my last name in real life in italian for real not like some catchphrase stolen from the 70s
don't be a poser of the way people sound.. do it the good way, the ernest hemming way.. who would sit and type the words of f. scott fitzgerld to feel those thoughts come from his mind and go onto his page.. single white femaling him to feel greatness at his fingertips.. that's nice, wearing people .. but maybe then improve yo self
when you post on porn sites and redditt and want to sound like me.. that's being a poser and being raciss of janeway.. that's jane face.. reaping and not caring about the person's life... when lives matter, not me go look to people who have been hurt the worst and do something.. get skilled and then share it..civic social responsibility, yo