
Total votes: 21 (62%)
Crap, but there are a few accounts I read anyway
Total votes: 13 (38%)
Total votes: 34

Re: Social media site: Twitter

Was intuitively against getting involved w/ it for many years.

New, soul destroying job made me decide to give it a go as a quick brain stimulant.

Enjoying it quite a bit - def a good may of killing 20 mins 2 / 3 times a day.

Political twitter def better than any legacy mags / blogs that I'd gotten bored of over the last few years.

Can see how brutally addictive it can be

But NC

Re: Social media site: Twitter

It was generally terrible before Musk took it over but it was generally enjoyable if you could keep the rightwing psychos out of your feed. Now rightwing psychos have all of their posts boosted so they will be the first thing you see in the replies and it's just tedious. I check back in now and then to look at the mess and quickly log back out. I got on Blue Sky about a month ago and it's a lot better, at least for the moment. I'm sure it will become horrible once it opens up where you don't need an invite to get an account but that's probably a while down the road. Anyway I just got another invite code if any of youse want in.
f.k.a. jimmy two hands

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