Re: Little Details from Your Day

There's a defunct storefront near me in Brooklyn where an older dude will sometimes sell yard sale grade knickknacks and "vintage" hippie posters (digital re-prints) and other odds and ends. On Saturday, behind the posters, he had this (below) which was clearly a real painting made, by hand.

The style, subject matter and aspect ratio suggested commercial artwork for reproduction (too narrow for a magazine, so I figured it was probably for a paperback pulp novel.) The guy quoted an affordable price and I jumped on it.

I got home and googled the artist name "C. Doore" and immediately got tons of results for pulp novels and pulp magazines, and lo and behold:
Shame about the dorky glitter tape somebody added. Nevertheless, I'm glad to have rescued this piece, I will make sure it finds a forever home where it will be taken care of and appreciated. I'm not sure it meets the criteria for 'art I would like to live with in my house' but I think I could flip it for a low, fair price and still make a little beer money.

If anybody has any advice/experience with non-eBay "art auctions" please do share.

We're hoping she's about to turn around and kill her attacker with his own gun. I have a copy of 'Straw Boss' on the way now so we can find out. Not gonna hold my breath on that one.

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