Favorite The Breeders release

Pod (1990)
Total votes: 17 (39%)
Safari (1992 - EP)
Total votes: 3 (7%)
Last Splash (1993)
Total votes: 15 (34%)
Head to Toe (1994 - EP) (No votes)
Title TK (2002)
Total votes: 7 (16%)
Mountain Battles (2008)
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Fate to Fatal (2009 - EP) (No votes)
All Nerve (2018)
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Total votes: 44

Re: The Breeders records

Love everything. Pod is probably the best, and the recording is still astonishing. I know Steve feels weird about "pushing" bands to leave random spoken bits and things on their records, but I do think it really adds something to that era of recordings.

Last Splash though, easily one of the best 90s records to end up selling a bunch of copies, and "Cannonball" 100% the best hit single to come out of the alterna gold rush-era.

Honestly, between the Breeders record and the Amps album (and those 00s solo singles) Kim has never released a bad or boring or mediocre record, and I'm not sure if you could say that for most of her peers.
Band: www.bracketsseattle.bandcamp.com
Old band: www.burnpermits.bandcamp.com
Older band: www.policeteeth.bandcamp.com

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