Favorite The Breeders release

Pod (1990)
Total votes: 17 (39%)
Safari (1992 - EP)
Total votes: 3 (7%)
Last Splash (1993)
Total votes: 15 (34%)
Head to Toe (1994 - EP) (No votes)
Title TK (2002)
Total votes: 7 (16%)
Mountain Battles (2008)
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Fate to Fatal (2009 - EP) (No votes)
All Nerve (2018)
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Total votes: 44

Re: The Breeders records

Kim Deal's songwriting has matured wonderfully from album to album. So much more interesting than the Pixies. Hope she doesn't wait ten years for the next one! That being said, Pod still had the biggest impact on me. I remember hearing Surfer Rosa and thinking "That bass player should do a solo album or side project, I bet it would be really good."

Not a lot of video footage of the early lineup. You can kind of vaguely see Britt in the background of this one:

Re: The Breeders records

The newest remastering of Last Splash sounds incredible. Believe the analogue hype (if you want to).

Anyone here know what kind of amp Kim has in this picture? Just a refinished Peavey or what?
"I got to tell you, if I went to a show and an opening band I never heard of lugged a Super Six on stage, I am paying attention." - Owen

Re: The Breeders records

Ducking in again to say . . . That looks like one of these, a Supro Tremolectric amp by Bruce Zinky, apparently.

For the record, I love my far less rare Supro amp and think the company is way under-discussed on this here Premier Rock Forum.

Not that I'd have much of interest to say, other than, "It sounds good," or "How cool, a 12" speaker in a 15" baffle," or "The reverb is kinda meh [a non-issue since I use pedals for that] but the tube tremolo is divine," etc.

New Last Splash sounds noice.
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: The Breeders records

jfv wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:34 pm
DaveA wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:10 pm New Last Splash sounds noice.
I just got it today. Will listen to it tomorrow.
Didn't spring for the vinyl, mostly because I prefer to put an LP on and leave it on, rather than get up every eight or nine minutes, and plus, I've blown money on too many other records recently, but I don't doubt it'll sound stellar. And the digital ain't too shabby.
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: The Breeders records

Oh, and one last thing--really gotta get back to some shiz and off social media for a spell--but I'd need to listen to all of these records from start to finish to accurately rate them against each other. But as others have said, they're all good, you can't go wrong once you get the bug. I see them (and the Amps LP, and the solo 45s) as constituent parts of whole with no weak links. Maybe some outliers in terms of popularity/exposure, but Breeder et al. have never phoned it in, and the recordings have generally aged A LOT BETTER than all kinds of stuff that was getting attention back then. It's a rare feat.
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: The Breeders records

jirbling rake wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 3:54 pm All the albums are amazing. I ended up voting for Title TK. It has so many subtle moments of greatness, off-kilter quirks. It appeared unexpectedly after years of silence and blew me away. Confirmed that Kim Deal is a songwriting genius whose skills who should be embraced as a national treasure. Like tallchris mentioned, everything she has done is solid.
How could I add anything to this perfect take. Aside from noting that “London Song” is probably my favourite Deal song, and Kim is in my top three songwriters (all comers championship).

Re: The Breeders records

DaveA wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:10 pm Ducking in again to say . . . That looks like one of these, a Supro Tremolectric amp by Bruce Zinky, apparently.

For the record, I love my far less rare Supro amp and think the company is way under-discussed on this here Premier Rock Forum.
Thank you. I never would have found this otherwise.

And I'd love to hear more about Supro amps. Go wild if and when you return.

The Last Splash reissues are fun, but when do we get a Pod reissue? Or all of them reissued? Breeders Remastered Collection.
"I got to tell you, if I went to a show and an opening band I never heard of lugged a Super Six on stage, I am paying attention." - Owen

Re: The Breeders records

jirbling rake wrote: The Last Splash reissues are fun, but when do we get a Pod reissue? Or all of them reissued? Breeders Remastered Collection.
They didn't get a deluxe treatment, but all of the Breeders LPs and the Amps album were reissued by 4AD when All Nerve came out.

I know some folks on the old forum found fault with Kim's songwriting and lyrics, but I have always found them just direct enough to relate to and just obtuse enough to reward decades of repeated listening. As far as rock songwriters go, Kim Deal and Pete Townshend are near the top of my list, and she has FAR fewer misses than Pete does.

Really looking forward to Kim's solo album which is coming next year and hopefully another Breeders release to follow. All Nerve is still incredible.
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