by jfv
This is a tough one.
I don’t believe speed cameras are all that common around Northern Illinois. At least not nearly as common as red light cameras.
Red light cameras, while not the subject of this post, suck. They seem geared most towards catching folks failing to make a full and complete stop (which by my estimate needs to be at least a five-count) prior to the line (not at the line, and certainly not past the line) before attempting to make a right-turn-on-red. They have been the subject of and have lost numerous lawsuits, due to apparent corruption of authorities.
I’d also like to see statistics citing whether or not red light cameras actually make things safer. I know they have more or less contributed to rear-end accidents from people slamming on their brakes.
I guess the one good thing is that they do not discriminate. Well, unless you put one in a poor area of the city.
Back to speed cameras. I do think some of my concerns about red light cameras (arbitrary criteria, corruption, potential discrimination) also could apply to speed cameras here.
Outside of the USA, I’ve been in someone’s car in Germany who was very aware of where the speed cameras were located. They are very noticable and put in useful locations. For example, school zones. And people generally seem to notice them and obey them.
Fuck, so many people here in the USA don’t give any shits about school zone speed limits, and if you try to obey them, you’re likely to get some asshole attempting to run you off the road, honking at you, and/or flicking you off. Would love to see those folks get tickets.
That being said, distracted driving and tailgating are by far much worse offenses than speeding in my opinion. Probably statistically, too. I don’t think speed cameras will help either of those things. In the case of tailgating, might actually make it worse. Thinking of what might happen if you put a speed camera on the I-290 extension near Woodfield. Firmly believe that is a bad idea.
So this is a mixed bag, maybe in very specific instances like school zones, might be okay. But generally I don’t like the idea. And I don’t think they will change people’s bad driving habits. As soon as they are out of sight of the camera, they will stomp on the accelerator.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)