Favorite The Breeders release

Pod (1990)
Total votes: 20 (40%)
Safari (1992 - EP)
Total votes: 4 (8%)
Last Splash (1993)
Total votes: 15 (30%)
Head to Toe (1994 - EP) (No votes)
Title TK (2002)
Total votes: 9 (18%)
Mountain Battles (2008)
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Fate to Fatal (2009 - EP) (No votes)
All Nerve (2018)
Total votes: 1 (2%)
Total votes: 50

Re: The Breeders records

jirbling rake wrote: Thu Sep 28, 2023 4:31 pmAnd I'd love to hear more about Supro amps. Go wild if and when you return.
You would need to pick the brains of people here who actually know things about circuits and stuff, electrical engineering and the like, to get much detail. Some have described the Supro sound as being "between a Fender and a Marshall" but I wouldn't know how accurate that is. And model to model or vintage vs. current might yield varying results. There are vintage Supros from like, the forties or whatever, that predate the rock era. The company went out of of business at the end of the sixties and wasn't properly resurrected until more recently. That rarer Zinky one predates the current crop of 'em. HTH.

Anyway, I need some kind of tangible stocking stuffer to go under the tree this year, so that new Last Splash vinyl reissue will be in the cards most likely. Time to start a poll on 45rpm LPs . . .
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: The Breeders records

will be hearing them play Pod and Last Splash in their entirety soon, and I haven't listened to those in a long time, so this may change but:

Title TK and All Nerve, tossup. Just super impressive consistency over such a long career. I remember first hearing All Nerve after what, more than a decade since Mountain Battles, and in 30 seconds knew I was in for another treat.

Re: The Breeders records

Not Breeders, but I've been enjoying Kim's recent solo output just as much.
I've had a hard, hard landing/I really should duck and roll out/Out of my life
LOL. And the one where she the music video was shot in a car's reversing camera. I've always enjoyed her songwriting. I never heard the Kelley Deal 6000 except for the song Canyon and the hilarious name but she seems to have a way with words too.

I laughed at the clip where Jo mentions her initial less-than-impressed reaction to Kelley joining the band: "who is this person who can't even play an instrument?"

It must have seemed like a crazy idea to replace Tanya Donelly with a rank amateur, but crazy like a fox as it turned out.

Re: The Breeders records

I found this post interesting because I am currently working on a Kinks cover band with a few FMs for an upcoming halloween show and was texting Tim Midyett about it and the ridiculous output of Ray Davies and he mentioned that the only person who comes close is Kim Deal. Anyone who was around the forum back in it’s early days knows that there was a killer thread pitting the Kinks up against the Who.

in any case, I voted Pod but could easily have voted Last Splash as well. was not aware they remastered it, looking forward to a listen.
Tom Wanderer wrote: Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:03 am
jirbling rake wrote: The Last Splash reissues are fun, but when do we get a Pod reissue? Or all of them reissued? Breeders Remastered Collection.
They didn't get a deluxe treatment, but all of the Breeders LPs and the Amps album were reissued by 4AD when All Nerve came out.

I know some folks on the old forum found fault with Kim's songwriting and lyrics, but I have always found them just direct enough to relate to and just obtuse enough to reward decades of repeated listening. As far as rock songwriters go, Kim Deal and Pete Townshend are near the top of my list, and she has FAR fewer misses than Pete does.

Really looking forward to Kim's solo album which is coming next year and hopefully another Breeders release to follow. All Nerve is still incredible.
My thoughts on music: https://ediblesaudibles.com/

Re: The Breeders records

Pod, w the Safari ep a close second.

I have listened to all the albums over the last few days - never recalled much feeling for All Nerve - but it’s a solid album. The breeders def pass the quality test of never having issued a shit product. I have always loved Pod from its feel to its artwork to its beauty. As a young fella my household all took mushrooms one night and cranked up Pod - it ended up pissing down rain and we all stood out in the rain and sang along to Doe - embarrassing in hindsight, profound and beautiful at the time!
Also - the Safari ep is amazing - rough and ready and w lots of crackle. The harmonies at the last part if Do you love me are glorious!

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