What should be the fate of the "One Chip Challenge?"

Keep it on the shelves as it has been, no change. (No votes)
Keep it on the shelves but restrict purchase to adults only.
Total votes: 5 (38%)
Restrict its sale to specific stores.
Total votes: 1 (8%)
Get rid of it altogether.
Total votes: 7 (54%)
Other (specify). (No votes)
Total votes: 13

Re: Pulled from shelves: Paqui's "One Chip Challenge"

Clyde wrote: Wed Oct 11, 2023 7:04 pm These kinds of novelty foods are simply the pits. Whether it's something like this, those hot sauces that are functionally indistinguishable from bear repellent, or 20 pound burgers or whatever. Food should be a pleasure not an extreme sport. Just eat a good pear or a make a nice salad.
I agree.

But since, nether of the things you list can be put in a mylar bag and be made shelf stable for months to be consumed by some chud on a whim, we have novelty foods to disgust and disappoint.

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