Anthony Flack wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:16 am
nyt wrote:Voters, by a 59 percent to 37 percent margin, said they better trusted Mr. Trump over Mr. Biden on the economy, the largest gap of any issue.
What the FUCK is WRONG with people? I feel like I am losing my mind a little more every day. The guy is literally in the process of having his businesses shut down for gross financial mismanagement. You trust the guy who's having his businesses liquidated to manage the economy more than the guy who gave you an infrastructure bill. What's next, voters trust Trump more than Biden not to rape women?
The problem is the average voter suffers from a lack of curiosity about how things work and an almost repulsion to nuance. Joe Blow sees pricey eggs and his TV pundit gives him just enough info to know "inflation" is the name of the thing that made his groceries so darn expensive, then pundit points at the president. Done. Economic mistrust complete.
Nevermind that the US has experienced more job growth (the same thing every single president has campaigned on for at least a century). Nevermind that inflation is a global fucking dynamic. Why would this potential voter want to know that the US is in the top 10 countries for
lowest inflation. That our friends in Canada, Australia, Germany, France and *gasp* conservatively ruled Britain have higher inflation. Those creepy socialists in Spain and Switzerland have slightly lower inflation.
It's like bitching about the "president's gas prices" when you've never heard of OPEC.