Zeal and Ardor - Crap or not crap

Total votes: 1 (100%)
Not Crap (No votes)
Total votes: 1

Re: Zeal and Ardor

I'm really surprised they're still a thing. When I first heard of them a few years ago & read a little of their story (came out of a soundcloud demo) sounded like a weird one-off project and so I just assumed this too would be a quick flash in the pan riding a quick wave and then disappear.

I think the song that brought them attention is pretty good. I scrolled through some of their other material and it's just ok. I think a lot of their more spiritual-sounding songs have more promise but unfortunately have had their impact lessened for me by all the terrible hipster bands & their stompin' & shouting dreck.

Their newer more metal stuff has much of the overall sound & vibe I have always disliked about most metal from about the 90s onward which is the super-precise uber-slick production...but even then at least it's a different-sounding twist on an otherwise pretty stale genre & credit for that.

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