
Not crap
Total votes: 5 (31%)
Total votes: 11 (69%)
Total votes: 16

Re: Lady Gaga

Ga Ga has probably made a lot of people happy and has gotten a lot of people laid, but my least favorite genre of music, by far, is that oonce-oonce-type stuff she makes. It grates on me like nothing else. I don’t associate it with weirdos; I associate it with blockheads in tracksuits on BMW motorcycles. (You, dear reader, are an exception.)

Please don’t evangelize by referencing her non-oonce-oonce stuff. I have better things to do that work toward liking Lady GaGa. Like picking the lint out of my toenails.

Re: Lady Gaga

Does nothing for me and the "weird" antics were boring, but surely she's better than the resolutely untalented Madonna. I always thought of Madonna being much like Gene Simmons, not so much an artist as a capitalist who found that music was their most profitable venture. Mind you, who isn't these days... are there any pop stars that don't have their own fragrance?

Re: Lady Gaga

N/C crap for her early singles that really do hold up 13/14 years later. The thing with Gaga was that there was an air of mystery about her when she initially came on the scene and made pop music kind of compelling for a short while. Not much was known about her, e.g. rumours abound about her being trans, etc. Then the media oversaturation just kind of killed it for me. Overexposure really killed the buzz she had early on.
Since then it's pretty mixed and I am largely indifferent to whatever she does. I provided accompanying guitar for a friend on one of her songs from the soundtrack for that Star is Born remake and that was actually quite a pleasant tune to play.
Canuck fellow traveller. Guitarist/loudmouth in and

Re: Lady Gaga

Anthony Flack wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:17 pm Does nothing for me and the "weird" antics were boring, but surely she's better than the resolutely untalented Madonna. I always thought of Madonna being much like Gene Simmons, not so much an artist as a capitalist who found that music was their most profitable venture. Mind you, who isn't these days... are there any pop stars that don't have their own fragrance?
Gaga is more akin to Trent Reznor or Grimes or Prince - creative weird peeps who happened to blow up into fame.

Re: Lady Gaga

InMySoul77 wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:22 am This is maybe going to be a minority position here (which is fine), but IMO Lady Gaga is one of our top musical talents.
Because of the OP I thought this thread was going to be about how her Satanic videos have Masonic symbolism and she is the whore of Babalon etc.

rsmurphy wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:55 amNippy
Excuse me, who?

Anthony Flack wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:17 pmI always thought of Madonna being much like Gene Simmons
I never, NEVER whacked off to a Gene Simmons video.

InMySoul77 wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:48 pm Gaga is more akin to Trent Reznor or Grimes or Prince - creative weird peeps who happened to blow up into fame.
Grimes couldn't polish Prince's shoes. But none of these people just "happened to blow up" - they all put work in in different ways or had people doing it for them. Gaga's work has always been mainstream pop female vocals with varying degrees of "art direction" from other people, including those who made the "weird" and arcane version most are familiar with. She started off very pedestrian until the satanic cosmopolitan homosexual cabal put a demon in her vagina, or something.
This performance at The Bitter End cracks me up for some reason.
I wonder where those poor guys are now. At least she didn't push them off a building for her demonic overlords
Escape Rope / Black Mesa / Inflatable Sex Babies

Re: Lady Gaga

ChudFusk wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:25 pm
InMySoul77 wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:22 am This is maybe going to be a minority position here (which is fine), but IMO Lady Gaga is one of our top musical talents.
Because of the OP I thought this thread was going to be about how her Satanic videos have Masonic symbolism and she is the whore of Babalon etc.

rsmurphy wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:55 amNippy
Excuse me, who?

Anthony Flack wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:17 pmI always thought of Madonna being much like Gene Simmons
I never, NEVER whacked off to a Gene Simmons video.

InMySoul77 wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:48 pm Gaga is more akin to Trent Reznor or Grimes or Prince - creative weird peeps who happened to blow up into fame.
Grimes couldn't polish Prince's shoes. But none of these people just "happened to blow up" - they all put work in in different ways or had people doing it for them. Gaga's work has always been mainstream pop female vocals with varying degrees of "art direction" from other people, including those who made the "weird" and arcane version most are familiar with. She started off very pedestrian until the satanic cosmopolitan homosexual cabal put a demon in her vagina, or something.
This performance at The Bitter End cracks me up for some reason.
I wonder where those poor guys are now. At least she didn't push them off a building for her demonic overlords
Grimey's Art Angels is a damn good album. It's the only one of hers I like but it came out long before she met whatsisname. She's not without talent. Not anything like Prince's, I grant. Don't make me start a "Grimes is Good, Ackshually" thread.

Re: Lady Gaga

I know that a lot of y’all don’t pay attention or care about big pop stars, but I think she’s cool and has written some stellar pop songs like Telephone, Bad Romance, etc. Saw her at Lollapalooza in 2010, was an entertaining show.

Not crap.
"Whatever happened to that album?"
"I broke it, remember? I threw it against the wall and it like, shattered."

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