Movies that make your jaw drop because bad = good sometimes.

pootie tang!

a horribly funny film about a hip-hop superhero who fights crime, makes kids eat their vegetables, and speaks his own language because he's "too cool for words". they even rip off the matrix's bullet time in the opening sequence. unbelievable.

a side note - i guess this guy was a character on the chris rock show, but i wouldn't know fo sho', cuz i'd neva watch tha' shyyiit.

Movies that make your jaw drop because bad = good sometimes.

_soul man_ starring c. thomas howell as a white kid who dyes himself brown to get an scholarship. he ends up looking about as black as i do.

_showgirls_ is an all-timer

but it is not a 'bad' movie--i think paul verhoeven got exactly what he wanted

i decided this was the case after seeing _starship troopers_, which is similar in that it is nominally 'bad' (wooden acting, lame dialogue, etc.) but, like _showgirls_, looks amazing, is well-edited, and is absolutely, completely entertaining.

Movies that make your jaw drop because bad = good sometimes.

Hey how about all those shite movies where the "plot" evolves around a.) extremely large animals, b.) extremely half naked bimbos who are almost devoured by them and c.) extremely stupid jocks who of course safe them and kick the beast's ass:

Sharks, Anacondas, Crocodiles, Mammoths, Spiders, Apes (yes I think even King Kong sucks), Dinosaurs of all kinds, Octopusses, all shite, shite, shite.

Moby Dick rules though....
see above

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