by benadrian
I got a used Oranger Rockerverb 50 2x12" combo (first version, now what people call Mk I). I like these amps in general, but I've only really used the later versions. I got this one because it was broken and the price was fantastic. It turned out that it just needed power tubes and cleaning. Super exciting!
My initial thought is that it sounds looser and more midrange-y than the Mk III. I DO need to plug it into a familiar cab rather than the combo cab to really verify this. Overall, though, I really dig the sound and I'm dreaming up ways to incorporate this into my guitar setup.
The combo is very heavy. I'm also thinking it might be good to build a head shell for it, possibly?
There's something about a lot of Orange circuit designs that is both clever and also limiting. They often use concentric potentiometers for the gain controls, so it adjusts the gain level at two places.
For instance, a Soldano preamp goes like this.
Tube Stage 1 -> Drive knob controlling level - Tube Stage 2 -> fixed level reduction -> Tube Stage 3 -> fixed level reduction -> Tube Stage 4 -> Tone controls
The Orange preamp is this setup:
Tube Stage 1 -> Drive knob controlling level - Tube Stage 2 -> drive knob controlling level -> Tube Stage 3 -> fixed level reduction -> Tube Stage 4 -> Tone controls
and the two drive knobs are actually on one pot.
I love this idea, and have used it on my own amp designs, but I always allow the two drive potentiometers to be individually tweakable. A lot of interesting tones and textures are possible when the drive controls are separated. When they are combined, it the result is that it's pretty clean from about 0-4, it has a range of good and complex crunch from 4-6, and then it's high gain saturation from 6-10.
I wonder if I can find a concentric pot with the same physical dimensions and pin out?
So, the amp is pretty great, but I can't help but go right into mod mode, like I do with almost all guitar gear.