Re: Things you just won't sell

Nate Dort wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:13 pm I'm at the stage where I don't want to burden my family with having to deal with all of this stuff and selling it for pennies on the dollar if something ever happens to me.
Definitely have considered this as well, especially seeing what my own parents are leaving for me to deal with. The financial hit of pennies on the dollar aspect is a major concern for me too. If my wife ends up needing the money I don't want her to get completely screwed.

Fortunately Reverb makes this easy with the My Collection. I'm not sure if anyone is familiar w/ this but basically allows you to list your gear on Reverb and if you ever want to sell something, it's already photographed and listed. This hopefully will help make it easier for me to sell some of these boat anchors off before I go and get all dead. Highly recommend checking it out. Super great for insurance too in case of a disaster.

So yeah I've made an arrangement with a younger FM who likely outlive me by 40 years & he agreed to list everything and ship it for her for a nice fat cut so she won't have to deal with it.

Re: Things you just won't sell

four_oclocker_2.2 wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:54 am
Garth wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:52 am
So yeah I've made an arrangement with a younger FM who likely WILL NEVER DIE & he agreed to list everything and ship it for her for a nice fat cut so she won't have to deal with it.
Neals Now Living Will Never Die (just get your gear)
Old band:
Older band:

Re: Things you just won't sell

Other than my first guitar, I think everything else has the potential for getting sold depending on life changes and such. The older I gut, the less I feel the need to lean on specific gear. Also, my day job for the last 12 years gives me access and has exposed me to a ridiculous amount of extremely nice guitar gear. I just kinda sound like me when plug any into any non-garbage amp.

In the reverse of dying with gear, I have an opposite problem. An older, guitar playing friend of mine was selling a bunch of gear. He loaned me some stuff to check out. About six months later I wanted to return most of it and he just said "keep it, I want it in a good home, I'm doing great and don't need any more money." Then about six months later he died. So now I have a bunch of extremely nice gear that I probably will never use, but feel a bit bad about flipping for profit. Bleargh.

Re: Things you just won't sell

benadrian wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:32 pm Also, my day job for the last 12 years gives me access and has exposed me to a ridiculous amount of extremely nice guitar gear. I just kinda sound like me when plug any into any non-garbage amp.
Oof same. I was at at Chicago music exchange and there was a 70s Hiwatt and a bunch of Beans that I had like many others, coveted. They let me crank it up in one of the isolated rooms and I sounded %0.3 better than I did with anything I already owned.

But I looked %3000 cooler. Well, %3000 x 0.001 personal cool factor = %3 cooler

Re: Things you just won't sell

I basically stopped playing music in any serious capacity for about... 8 years? I moved to chicago, didn't know a single person who played music, and turns out every other late-30s person there already had like 10 people they'd been in bands with for years. I had some stuff in storage back in Canada, but basically was down to 1 guitar that I straight up never played.

Eventually I got the itch again and had my drums shipped down to me and started getting into gear again which has been fun. For the past idk maybe 5 or 6 years I've been playing in bands again and trying out shit and amassing a pretty dumb amount of "cool" stuff. I got into some DIY projects, and that got me interesting in recording again, anyway, it's all snowballed to the point that now I feel slightly burdened by all this shit I have sitting around. Do I need 6 jazzmasters? No, probably not.

But, that said, I'm not in a huge financial bind, and I live a low-overhead life, and it's cool to have cool stuff. Thankfully my s/o is equally maximalist about books and VHS tapes, and we have a decent-sized place, so no one is feeling too stressed.

This is a long preamble to actually answering the question and I guess at this point I sort of feel like there's no reason for me to get rid of anything, but having been through a pretty big cycle of going down to pretty much nothing, i'm ok with getting rid of all of it.

Weirdly, the one instrument I have (on paper at least) a real emotional attachment is a pretty fucked up 63 jazzmaster that my parents bought me as a graduation gift from university - it was $500CAD, which I think was probably about $350USD at the time. I can't remember the last time I took it out of the case - one of the pickups doesn't work, the neck was shaved down to ibanez wizard proportions at some point in the 80s, etc. I got it refinished a few years ago, and that process was a nightmare that left me with a really bad taste in my mouth about it. I have a parts JM I put together that's much nicer to play that any of the vintage ones I have and I don't stress about it getting stolen or whatever.

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