TylerDeadPine wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:03 pm
Anyone ever feel done? Like for once, I actually feel 'done' like I have everything I could need, for awhile.
There is room for improvement on a few fronts, with what I've got gear-wise. Sure. But . . .
I try to remember that I have more to work with now than I ever did when I was regularly playing in bands.
I feel that if someone couldn't make an at least decent/listenable recording with what I have now, then that would say more about them as a musician/artist than any limitations of the gear/setup.
It's a bit like my record collection . . . It doesn't have everything, might not be everyone's cup of tea, but if someone couldn't find
anything worth listening to in there, on a lazy afternoon, then, I dunno . . . their taste might come into question.
I feel reasonably content, and at least try to be grateful. Doesn't mean I'll stop looking at gear, but it's not an impulse I want to indulge often.