Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos

About that newish video, I thought it was fake-o upon first glance—looks like it—but it’s balloons, most likely.

Honestly, West has offered up a lot of well-reasoned/substantiated rebuttals to most of these widely circulating videos:

This doesn’t mean I don’t think UFOs/aliens could/do exist, in some light. But the disclosed evidence that usually makes the rounds isn’t convincing. Certainly I wouldn’t bet the farm on any of it. To date, anyway.
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos

Whenever you see a video of something taken from that angle, seeming to glide past the background in that eerie fashion, it's ALWAYS due to being a tracking shot from a moving aircraft. Maybe people just need to see more and more of these videos until everybody learns to recognise what a tracking shot from a moving aircraft looks like.

And also keep in mind that every now and again, really weird optical illusions happen by chance, eg

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